Ćao,drage moje!
Ponovo sam tu sa još jednim novitetima sa sajta Rosegal. Otkrila sam jako dobre stvari na ovom sajtu i puno toga imam u wish listi,pa verujem da će biti još ovakvih tekstova.
Ovoga puta u mojoj porudžbini našle su se cipele za muža,lampa i make up organizator.
Hi, my dear!
Again I'm here with another news from Rosegal site. I discovered very good things on this site and I have a lot of things in the wish list, so I believe there will be more like these texts.
This time, in my order, there were shoes for the husband, lamp and make up organizer.
valentines sales 2018
Da krenemo prvo od muških cipela.
Let's start first of the men's shoes.
Men Casual Fashion Sport Walking Warm Lace-Up Shoes
Ovo je prvi par obuće koji se mužu dopao i jako ih je želeo. Sve bi to bilo super da ja nisam poručila pogrešan broj. Umesto 42 ja sam poručila broj 40. Zaista ne znam kako sam to uspela,ali tako je kako je.
Jako mi je žao zbog toga,jer su cipele zaista veoma dobre.
Lepo izgledaju,jako su moderne,nisu teške i glomazne kako muške cipele znaju da budu. Naložene su i mislim da su odlične za zimu. Imaju pertle i preko njih deo za lepljenje. Jako su dobro odradjene i rekla bih da su kvalitetne.
This is the first pair of shoes that my husband liked and wanted very much. Everything would be great if I did not order the wrong number. Instead of 42, I ordered the number 40. I really do not know how I managed it, but that's how it is.
I'm very sorry about that, because the shoes are really very good.
They look nice, they are very modern, not heavy and bulky as men's shoes know to be. They're loaded and I think they're great for the winter. They have pertle and through them a part for gluing. They are very well done and I would say they are high quality.
Revtronic F30B XM - L2 800LM LED Flashlight
Ponovo sam poručila ovu lampu,jer ko god da je video,oduševio se. Zaista,jako je dobra,odlično baca svetlost.
I've ordered this lamp again, because whoever saw it, he was delighted. Indeed, it is very good, it casts light greatly.
I za kraj,poručila sam jedan make up organizator.
Odavno želim da ogranizujem svoju šminku i videla sam da su druge devojke zadovoljne sa organizatorima sa ovog sajta. Ja sam poručila jedan za ruževe,ali stigao mi je sasvim drugi organizator.
And in the end, I ordered a make up organizer.
I have long wanted to limit my makeup and I saw other girls happy with the organizers from this site. I ordered one for the carmine, but a completely different organizer arrived.
Transparence Multiple Square Lattice Desktop Makeup Case Storage Box
Ovo je prvi put da mi je stiglo nešto drugo,uglavnom što naručim to mi i stigne. Verovatno da su pogrešili.
Organizator koji sam ja poručila imao je 12 delova za ruževe,dok ovaj koji mi je stigao je dosta veći i prostraniji. Ima 15 malih pregrada za ruževe za usne, jednu veću u koju možete da stavite stvari za oči poput maskare i korektora,2 male pregrade za sjajeve za usne ili olovke i jednu veliku u koju možete da stavite pudere.
Sviđa mi se ovaj organizator,ne zauzima puno mesto,a sva šminka može da stane.
This is the first time that something else came to me, mostly to order it to me and arrive. Probably they were wrong.
The organizer I ordered had 12 parts for carmine, while the one that came to me was much bigger and more spacious. It has 15 small carmine bulkheads, one larger one in which you can put things for your eyes like a mascara and a corrector, 2 small bulkheads for lips or pencils, and one great in which you can put the powders.
I like this organizer, it does not take a lot of space, and all makeup can fit.
Da li ste poručivale sa ovog sajta? Kakva su vaša iskustva?
Did you order from this site? What are your experiences?
Ponovo sam tu sa još jednim novitetima sa sajta Rosegal. Otkrila sam jako dobre stvari na ovom sajtu i puno toga imam u wish listi,pa verujem da će biti još ovakvih tekstova.
Ovoga puta u mojoj porudžbini našle su se cipele za muža,lampa i make up organizator.
Hi, my dear!
Again I'm here with another news from Rosegal site. I discovered very good things on this site and I have a lot of things in the wish list, so I believe there will be more like these texts.
This time, in my order, there were shoes for the husband, lamp and make up organizer.
valentines sales 2018
Da krenemo prvo od muških cipela.
Let's start first of the men's shoes.
Men Casual Fashion Sport Walking Warm Lace-Up Shoes
Ovo je prvi par obuće koji se mužu dopao i jako ih je želeo. Sve bi to bilo super da ja nisam poručila pogrešan broj. Umesto 42 ja sam poručila broj 40. Zaista ne znam kako sam to uspela,ali tako je kako je.
Jako mi je žao zbog toga,jer su cipele zaista veoma dobre.
Lepo izgledaju,jako su moderne,nisu teške i glomazne kako muške cipele znaju da budu. Naložene su i mislim da su odlične za zimu. Imaju pertle i preko njih deo za lepljenje. Jako su dobro odradjene i rekla bih da su kvalitetne.
This is the first pair of shoes that my husband liked and wanted very much. Everything would be great if I did not order the wrong number. Instead of 42, I ordered the number 40. I really do not know how I managed it, but that's how it is.
I'm very sorry about that, because the shoes are really very good.
They look nice, they are very modern, not heavy and bulky as men's shoes know to be. They're loaded and I think they're great for the winter. They have pertle and through them a part for gluing. They are very well done and I would say they are high quality.
Revtronic F30B XM - L2 800LM LED Flashlight
Ponovo sam poručila ovu lampu,jer ko god da je video,oduševio se. Zaista,jako je dobra,odlično baca svetlost.
I've ordered this lamp again, because whoever saw it, he was delighted. Indeed, it is very good, it casts light greatly.
I za kraj,poručila sam jedan make up organizator.
Odavno želim da ogranizujem svoju šminku i videla sam da su druge devojke zadovoljne sa organizatorima sa ovog sajta. Ja sam poručila jedan za ruževe,ali stigao mi je sasvim drugi organizator.
And in the end, I ordered a make up organizer.
I have long wanted to limit my makeup and I saw other girls happy with the organizers from this site. I ordered one for the carmine, but a completely different organizer arrived.
Transparence Multiple Square Lattice Desktop Makeup Case Storage Box
Ovo je prvi put da mi je stiglo nešto drugo,uglavnom što naručim to mi i stigne. Verovatno da su pogrešili.
Organizator koji sam ja poručila imao je 12 delova za ruževe,dok ovaj koji mi je stigao je dosta veći i prostraniji. Ima 15 malih pregrada za ruževe za usne, jednu veću u koju možete da stavite stvari za oči poput maskare i korektora,2 male pregrade za sjajeve za usne ili olovke i jednu veliku u koju možete da stavite pudere.
Sviđa mi se ovaj organizator,ne zauzima puno mesto,a sva šminka može da stane.
This is the first time that something else came to me, mostly to order it to me and arrive. Probably they were wrong.
The organizer I ordered had 12 parts for carmine, while the one that came to me was much bigger and more spacious. It has 15 small carmine bulkheads, one larger one in which you can put things for your eyes like a mascara and a corrector, 2 small bulkheads for lips or pencils, and one great in which you can put the powders.
I like this organizer, it does not take a lot of space, and all makeup can fit.
Da li ste poručivale sa ovog sajta? Kakva su vaša iskustva?
Did you order from this site? What are your experiences?
Divne stvarčice, organizer je prelep ♥♥
ОдговориИзбришиHvala ti puno,draga Jano! <3
ИзбришиCipele su prelepe, vidi se da su tople, steta su male. Sviđa mi se organizator, to je svakoj ženi potrebno
ОдговориИзбришиHvala ti,draga Jelena! <3
ИзбришиOdličan post draga i stvari mi se zaista dopadaju. Ne znam da li si pitala da li postoji mogućnost zamjene za cipele. Svakako pokušaj možda i uspiješ. Takođe, ovaj organizator mi je zaista odličan ❤️❤️❤️
ОдговориИзбришиI follow you: Visit and follow ----> Marija's blog
Hvala ti puno! Nisam pitala da li mogu da zamenim,ali verovatno da ne mogu. Ipak,ja sam pogrešila. Kada budem imala priliku,poručiću ih ponovo.
ИзбришиDivne stvari,posebno ovaj stalak za ruževe mi je vrh!♥
ОдговориИзбришиBella Place.
Organizator je prelep! :) <3
ОдговориИзбришиHvala ti puno,draga Jelena! <3
ИзбришиJao pa gde da pogrešiš njima su ionako mali kalupi. :D
ОдговориИзбришиNišta,u sledećoj porudzbini probaj ponovo. Ti bar možeš,za mog nema broja.
Eto,desilo se,ne znam ni sama kako. Definitivno,mnogo mu se svidjaju.