Ćao,drage moje!
Pre nekoliko dana mi je stigao paket sa sajta Zaful i danas vam prenosim utiske vezane za ovu kupovinu.
Ne moram da ponavljam da obožavam da kupujem sa ovog sajta.
Ovoga puta,u ovoj porudžbini su se našle dve stvari,odnosno,jedan par obuće i jedan set četkica za šminkanje.
Hi, my dear!
A few days ago, a package from the Zaful site came to me and I'm sending you impressions about this purchase today.
I do not have to repeat that I love to buy from this site.
This time, this order found two things, that is, a pair of shoes and a set of makeup brushes.
Slip On Suede Beading Flat Shoes
Ovaj par espadrila sam gledala celo leto i nikako nisam mogla da se odlučim da ih poručim. Uvek je nešto drugo bilo važnije. Sada sam ih poručila i uopšte se nisam pokajala. Prelepe su. Definitivno najlepši par obuće koji posedujem.
Moram da kažem da se jako loše fotografišu,ali su uživo prelepe. Cirkoni koju su na njima,daju im posebnu draž i zbog njih su jako neobične. Takođe,cirkoni su veoma dobro pričvršćeni,pa su male šanse da će spasti.
Veoma su udobne,ali kako nam ide zima i sneg sačekaće proleće.
Uopšte nisam pogrešila što sam ih poručila,iako koštaju 33$ vrede duplo više.
I watched this pair of espadrala all year long and I could not decide to order them at all. Something else was always more important. Now I ordered them and I did not repent at all. They are gorgeus. Definitely the most beautiful pair of shoes I own.
I have to say that they are very badly photographed, but they are beautifully beautiful. The zircons on them give them a special charm and are very unusual for them. Also, the zircons are very well attached, so there are small chances to save.
They are very comfortable, but as winter goes on, the snow will wait for the spring.
I did not even make a mistake when I ordered them, although they cost $ 33 a couple more.
Ako i vi volite espadrile,neobične modele,ovaj par će vam se sigurno dopasti.
If you like espadriles, unusual models, this couple will surely like you.
Sledeće što sam poručila je set četkica za šminkanja.
The next thing I ordered was a set of makeup brushes.
12Pcs Fancy Gradient Color Taper Angular Makeup Brushes Set
Set se sajstoji od 12 četkica za šminkanje. Od toga su 5 za lice i 7 za oči.
Sve četkice su bile veoma dobro upakovane, a četkica za highlighter je imala posebno plastično pakovanje kako ne bi izgubila svoj oblik. Imaju ombre dršku i dlačice što ih čini veoma dekorativnim.
Ovaj set sam poručila za drugaricu pa vam ne mogu reći kako se ponašaju prilikom pranja i korišćenja,ali sam poručila i jedan set za sebe,pa kada stigne,očekuje vas detaljna recenzija.
The set is made up of 12 make-up brushes. Of this, 5 are for face and 7 for the eyes.
All brushes were very well packed, and the highlighter brush had a special plastic package so as not to lose its shape. They have ombre handle and hairs making them very decorative.
I ordered this set for a friend so I can not tell you how they behave when washing and using, but I ordered one set for myself, so when it arrives, a detailed review is expected.
To bi bilo to što se tiče ove porudžbine. Pišite mi svoje utiske,posebno me zanima,kako vam se sviđaju espadrile?
That would be about this order. Write to me your impressions, especially to me, how do you like espadrillas?
Pre nekoliko dana mi je stigao paket sa sajta Zaful i danas vam prenosim utiske vezane za ovu kupovinu.
Ne moram da ponavljam da obožavam da kupujem sa ovog sajta.
Ovoga puta,u ovoj porudžbini su se našle dve stvari,odnosno,jedan par obuće i jedan set četkica za šminkanje.
Hi, my dear!
A few days ago, a package from the Zaful site came to me and I'm sending you impressions about this purchase today.
I do not have to repeat that I love to buy from this site.
This time, this order found two things, that is, a pair of shoes and a set of makeup brushes.
Ovaj par espadrila sam gledala celo leto i nikako nisam mogla da se odlučim da ih poručim. Uvek je nešto drugo bilo važnije. Sada sam ih poručila i uopšte se nisam pokajala. Prelepe su. Definitivno najlepši par obuće koji posedujem.
Moram da kažem da se jako loše fotografišu,ali su uživo prelepe. Cirkoni koju su na njima,daju im posebnu draž i zbog njih su jako neobične. Takođe,cirkoni su veoma dobro pričvršćeni,pa su male šanse da će spasti.
Veoma su udobne,ali kako nam ide zima i sneg sačekaće proleće.
Uopšte nisam pogrešila što sam ih poručila,iako koštaju 33$ vrede duplo više.
I watched this pair of espadrala all year long and I could not decide to order them at all. Something else was always more important. Now I ordered them and I did not repent at all. They are gorgeus. Definitely the most beautiful pair of shoes I own.
I have to say that they are very badly photographed, but they are beautifully beautiful. The zircons on them give them a special charm and are very unusual for them. Also, the zircons are very well attached, so there are small chances to save.
They are very comfortable, but as winter goes on, the snow will wait for the spring.
I did not even make a mistake when I ordered them, although they cost $ 33 a couple more.
Ako i vi volite espadrile,neobične modele,ovaj par će vam se sigurno dopasti.
If you like espadriles, unusual models, this couple will surely like you.
Sledeće što sam poručila je set četkica za šminkanja.
The next thing I ordered was a set of makeup brushes.
12Pcs Fancy Gradient Color Taper Angular Makeup Brushes Set
Set se sajstoji od 12 četkica za šminkanje. Od toga su 5 za lice i 7 za oči.
Sve četkice su bile veoma dobro upakovane, a četkica za highlighter je imala posebno plastično pakovanje kako ne bi izgubila svoj oblik. Imaju ombre dršku i dlačice što ih čini veoma dekorativnim.
Ovaj set sam poručila za drugaricu pa vam ne mogu reći kako se ponašaju prilikom pranja i korišćenja,ali sam poručila i jedan set za sebe,pa kada stigne,očekuje vas detaljna recenzija.
The set is made up of 12 make-up brushes. Of this, 5 are for face and 7 for the eyes.
All brushes were very well packed, and the highlighter brush had a special plastic package so as not to lose its shape. They have ombre handle and hairs making them very decorative.
I ordered this set for a friend so I can not tell you how they behave when washing and using, but I ordered one set for myself, so when it arrives, a detailed review is expected.
To bi bilo to što se tiče ove porudžbine. Pišite mi svoje utiske,posebno me zanima,kako vam se sviđaju espadrile?
That would be about this order. Write to me your impressions, especially to me, how do you like espadrillas?
Divan post, kao i blog ^_^
ОдговориИзбришиOve espadrile stvarno izgledaju predivno. Inače oboožavam espadrile i skoro da cijelo ljeto provedem u njima, ali ove izgledaju baš preslatko <3
Espadrilice sjajne :) :)
ОдговориИзбришиOduševljena sam cipelicama! Tako su divne i elegantne ♥
Espadrile su predivne, ali ni četkice ne zaostaju. Odličan haul draga :)
ОдговориИзбришиMagični svet lepote
Hvala ti draga! <3
ИзбришиEspadrile su čarobne, mnogo mi se dopadaju. A i četkice su super, skoro su mi stigle slične mermaid, super su.
ОдговориИзбришиPratim te. Ako želiš uzvrati, nova sam na blugu: dnevnadozabloga.blogspot.com
Hvala ti puno! Uzvracam! <3