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уторак, 16. јануар 2018.

Noviteti sa sajta Dresslily #2

Još jedna porudžbina sa sajta Dresslily je tu.
Ovoga puta,jako brzo stigla je do mene,ali kao po običaju,naša carina je zatržala paket. No dobro,sada je tu i prenosim vam svoje utiske.

 Another order from Dresslily is here.
This time, she came very quickly to me, but as customary, our custom was packed. But well, now I'm here to share your impressions.

U ovoj porudžbini našao se jedan džemper i farmerke.
Ovaj džemper sigurno ste videli po fb i instagramu. Jako mi se svideo,pa sam ga i poručila. Sav je mekan i flafi.

 In this order, there was a sweater and jeans.
You must have seen this sweater by fb and the instagram. I liked it very much, so I ordered it. It's all soft and flapping.

                                                        Hollow Out Floral Embroidered Sweater

Nije klasičan model džempera,asimetrično je sečen i ima vezenu ružu kao jedini detalj. Univerzalne je veličine i mislim da bi odgovarao svima koji nose od S do nekog manjeg L.

 It is not a classic sweater model, it is asymmetrically cut and has a embroidered rose as the only detail. It is universal in size and I think it would fit anyone who wears S to some smaller L.

 Već sam ga prala i moram priznati,kako je bela boja u pitanju,a opet ova ruža je crvena,bojala sam se da ne pusti boju i da ga pretvori u roze džemper. Međutim,to se nije dogodilo. Pored ove bele boje,džemper je dostupan i u crnoj boji.
I already washed it and I have to admit, how is the white color concerned, and again this rose is red, I was afraid that it would not leave the color and turn it into a pink sweater. However, this did not happen. In addition to this white color, the sweater is also available in black.

Sledeće što sam poručila su crne klasične skinny farmerke.
 The next thing I ordered was black classic skinny jeans.

                                                         Skinny High Waisted Jeans

Jako loše se fotografišu i zbog toga bih vam preporučila da ih bolje pogledate na sajtu. Sam model je jako lep. Dublje je model i jako lepo može da se kombinuje. Moje su u veličini L i savršeno mi odgovaraju.
Bile su mi potrebne crne klasične farmerke i ove su pun pogodak.

Kako vam se dopada ova kombinacija?

They are very badly photographed and for this reason I would recommend that you look at them better on the site. The model itself is very nice. It is a deeper model and it can be very nice to combine. They are in size L and fit perfectly.
I needed black classic jeans and these are a hit.

 How do you like this combination?

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