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четвртак, 8. фебруар 2018.

Noviteti sa sajt Rosegal | Februar #1

Ćao,drage moje!
Nastavljamo sa novitetima i na redu je sajt Rosegal.Ovoga puta,poručila sam par ukrasa za nokte i farmerke sa tregerima.Ono što sam pronašla na ovom sajtu je veliki izbor stvari za nokte,oprema za nadogradnju,lakovi,gelovi,ukrasi za nokte. Povrh toga,jako su povoljni i više nego duplo jeftiniji nego kod nas.

 Hi, my dear!

We are continuing with the novelties and the site is Rosegal. This time, I ordered a pair of nail trimmings and jeans with jeans. What I found on this site is a great selection of nail things, upgrading equipment, varnishes, gels, nail decorations. In addition, they are very affordable and more than twice cheaper than in our country.

Pažnju su mi privukli ukrasi,odnosno cirkoni za nokte. Koštali su svega par dolara. Poručila sam ih za drugaricu koja se bavi nadogradnjom noktiju i već ih je isprobala i kaže da je jako zadovoljna.

                                                              Crystal Glitter Rhinestone 3D Nail Art Decoration

 Attention was attracted to decorations, that is, nail circuses. They cost only a few dollars. I ordered them for a friend who worked on the nail upgrade and already tried them and says she is very satisfied.

                                                         12 Colours Decoration Nail Art Rhinestones
                                                    1 Box Glitter AB Black Acrylic Rhinestones Nail Art Decorations

I kao što sam rekla,poručila sam farmerke sa tregerima. Već duže vreme želim takve farmerke,ali nikako nisam mogla da se odlučim na kupovinu,jer sam mislila da na meni neće baš najbolje izgledati.
Međutim,svidjaju mi se. I materijal,a i kako izgledaju na meni. Mislim da će na leto izgledati odlično u kombinaciji sa belom majicom i belim patikama,skroz jednostavna kombinacija.

                                                     Broken Hole Denim Overalls with Pockets

 And as I said, I ordered a pair of jeans. I've been looking for such jeans for a long time, but I could not decide for a purchase, because I thought it would not look best on me.

However, I like it. And the material, and how they look on me. I think it will look great for a year in combination with a white shirt and white sneakers, a very simple combination.

Da li ste poručivali sa sajta Rosegal?
Did you order from Rosegal site?

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