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петак, 29. април 2022.

Mame biraju Avalon Pharmu

Kada ste buduća mama ili mama koja se tek privikava toj po sve najlepšoj, ali i najodgovornijoj ulozi koja nam može biti nadenuta često se susrećemo sa mnogim nedoumicama i pitanjima.
Brinu nas stvari koje su do tog momenta izgledale tako jedostavne, a sada su toliko teške da nam je potrebna pomoć. Brinu nas strije, bolne bradavice i grudi, želja za dojenjem i želja za pružanjem svojoj bebi onog najboljeg.
No, ne retko to nas toliko optereti da se izgubimo u moru pitanja i ne vidimo da oko nas postoje stvari koje nam mogu biti od velike pomoći i majčinstvo učiniti najlepšim poslom na svetu. Kažem poslom, jer se plaća bezuslovnom ljubavlju koju nam naše bebe pružaju.
Kako bi rešili mnoge nedoumice koje muče mame u pomoć priskače nam Avalon Pharma, brend koji u svom asortimanu ima proizvode koji su potrebni svakoj trudnici, mami, ali i bebi:

- Kremu za strije
- Kremu za negu bradavica
- Kremu za negu pelenskog područija

Naime, Avalon Pharma je farmaceutska kuća sa dugom tradicijom u farmaceutskoj industriji poreklom iz Saudiske Arabije. Pored velikog asortimana kozmetičkih proizvoda, Avalon Pharma proizvodi i veliki broj lekova za humanu upotrebu i jedan su od vodećih proizvođača u farmaceutskoj industriji cele Afrike. Šireći se na tržište Evrope, jedinstvena lepota koja se ogleda kroz savršenu i pravilnu negu kože, dostupna je i u Srbiji.

Global Pharma je generalni uvoznik i zastupnik kozmetičkih proizvoda Avalon Pharme.

Već pri prvom kontaktu sa Avalon Pharma preparatima stekla sam utiska da se radi o izuzetnim proizvodima, jer opstati na tržištu Saudiske Arabije mogu samo brendovi čiji proizvodi se ogledaju po izuzetnom kvalitetu. I bila sam u pravu, kvalitet koji pružaju je izvanredan, a ja ću vam u nastavku teksta bliže približiti njihove proizvode namenjene mamama i bebama.

Pre nego što pređemo na same karakteristike i benefite proizvoda najpre bih želela da se osvrnem na pakovanja. Cela ova kolekcija namenjena mamama i bebama je u ljubičastoj boji. Pakovanja su u formi tuba i po meni su daleko praktičnija od teglica. Lakše je doziranje proizvoda, ali i smanjena je mogućnost prosipanja čime su pogodna za nošenje u svakoj torbi i neseseru.

Kao što sam na samom početku teksta rekla, u kolekciji namenjenom mamama i bebama nalazi se ukupno 3 proizvoda:

- Krema za strije
- Krema za negu bradavica
- Krema za negu pelenskog područija

Rekla bih da su to tri proizvoda koju su neophodna svakoj trudnici, mami i bebi.
Kako sam najpre spomenula trudnice, započeću sa proizvodom koji je potrebno koristiti od najranijeg perioda trudnoće, a njegovo korišćenje nastaviti i nakon porođaja.
Radi se o Avalon kremi za strije.

Naime, Avalon krema za strije ima za cilj da spreči nastanak strija, ali i da pospeši uklanjanje već nastalih strija. Bezbedna je za korišćenje u periodu trudnoće, ali i nakon porođaja.
Njena napredna formula ima visoku moć da usled naglog dobijanja kilograma spreči nastanak strija. Isto tako, pogodna je i nakon porođaja i naglog gubitka kilograma. Mislim da veliki udeo u njenoj efikasnosti imaju kolagen i elastin koji se nalaze u sastavu i koji pomažu koži da se na prirodan način širi i rasteže izbegavajući nastanak tih linija pod nazovom strije.
Smatram da se svaka trudnica i mama želi da izbegne mogućnost pojave strija, a Avalon krema u tome može jako pomoći.
Ono što mi se izuzetno dopada, a veoma razlikuje ovu kremu od proizvoda iste namene jeste njena nemasna i brzo upijajuća formula. Uglavnom preparati ove namene znaju biti dosta teški i masni, tako da im je potrebna čitava večnost da se upiju, a to ni jedna od nas ne voli. Treba nam nešto što ćemo lako naneti, umasirati, obući se, a znati da smo svojoj koži pružili sve potrebno da se na pravilan način širi i rasteže. Ova krema je proizvod koji nam to i omogućava. Nanosi se dva puta dnevno na kritična mesta, odnosno na mesta koja su sklona pojavi strija, lagano se umasira i ostavi da radi svoj posao.
Kako ima 70ml, a jako sporo se troši za sigurno je da će nam dugo trajati.
Pored trudnica i mama, ova krema za strije pogodna i za tinejdžere, odnosno u periodu puberteta kada usled naglog rasta i rastezanja kože može doći do pojave strija.
Cena Avalon kreme za strije je 750din.

U periodu trudnoće ne menja se samo koža, menja se ceo organizam. Organi se pomeraju i prave mesta bebi, a promenama zahvaćene su i grudi. U trudnoći grudi su osetljve, veće, a same bradavice podložne su peckanju i trenju, pa shodno tome moramo birati odgovarajući grudnjak koji će biti udoban i nežan, ali i proizvod koji će ih učiniti gipkim i spremnim za bebu. Odmah nakon rođenja bebe grudi dobijaju funkciju osnovnog izvora hrane i svaka mama želi da doji bebu, jer svi znamo koliko je blagotvorno majčino mleko na rast i razvoj naše bebe. No, često dojenje ne ide baš tako glatko i jednostavno kako smo zamišljali i može predstavljati veliki problem. Loš hvat bebe i osetljive bradavice mogu stvoriti veliku nelagodnosti koja će dovesti do pojave regada koje će dojenje učiniti još težim. Ali, na našem tržištu postoji dosta preparata sa kojima možemo negovati bradavice i učiniti ih gipkim i pripremnjenim za dojenje čime možemo izbeći sve neželjene simptome. Jedan od tih preparata pripada i Avalon Pharmu, a to je Avalon krema za negu bradavica
Naime, ova krema ima za cilj da dojenje učini bezbolnim, odnosno da učini bezbolnim prvi kontakt bebe sa bradavicom. Bogata je izuzetnim negujućim sastavom na čelu sa maslinovim uljem, kakao buterom, pantenolom i vazelinom. Jako je važno spomenuti činjenicu da je ova krema 100% prirodna i 100% sigurna za korišćenje. Kako se radi o prirodnom proizvodu, nema potrebe za ispiranjem pre dojenja. Kremu je potrebno naneti na područije oko bradavica nakon svakog dojenja, a može se koristiti i trudnoći kao deo pripreme bradavica za dojenje.
Cena Avalon kreme za negu bradavica je 800din.

Poslednji, ali ne manje važan preparat iz kategorije mama i beba tiče se nege bebe, odnosno nege pelenskog područija. Naime, pelensko područije usled konstantne vlažnosti i toplote podložno je pojavi ojeda. Da li se radilo o ojedu usled nedovoljne higijene, upotrebe vlažnih maramica ili pak nekog spoljnog faktora, pelenski osip zna biti dosta nezgodan. Osip praćen crvenilom i iritacijama jako smeta bebi izazivajući nelagodnost i razdražljivost, te ga je potrebno što pre ukloniti. Najpre, iz upotrebe moramo izbaciti vlažne maramice, a zatim koristiti kremu koja je namenjena upravo pelenskom osipu i u sebi ima na prvom mestu sadrži cink.
Takva krema je upravo Avalon krema za pelenski osip.
Naime, ova krema u svom sastavu sadrži cink oksid, pantenol, cetrimid, maslinovo ulje i ricinusovo ulje. Izuzetno je efikasna kod umirivanju osetljive kože i smirivanju ojeda. Njena superiorna sposobnost učiniće da oštećena koža vrlo brzo bude zamenjena zdravom i mekom kožom koju zaslužuje da ima svaka bebica. Ono što je jako bitno, ima i antibakterijski efekat usled prisustva centrimida, ali i stvara snažnu barijeru između bebine kože i pelena čime sprečava novi nastanak pelenskog osipa i ojeda. 
Pogodna je za korišćenje od prvog dana bebinog rođenja, ali i nakon svakog menjanja pelena.
Uz to, pogodna je ne samo za bebe, već i za odrasle koji imaju problema sa pojavom osipa i ojeda. 
Cena Avalon kreme za pelenski osip je 700din.

Koristeći ove proizvode došla sam do zaključka da su jako efikasni i apsolutno neophodni. Iako nisam trudnica, ja sam mama koja svojoj deci želi da pruži najbolju negu, ali i da iskreno preporuči drugim mamama i trudnicama proizvode koji će im pomoći i olakšati dane pre i posle porođaja. Podrška i pomoć jednih drugima jako znači i uvek je dobro znati da imamo brend koji svojim proizvodima može biti spas u mnogim situacijama.

Više informacija o Avalon Pharma proizvodima možete pronaći na njihovoj zvaničnoj instagram stranici, dok ih možete poručiti na njihovom zvaničnom sajtu. Tamo možete poručiti sve Avalon Pharma proizvode, ali i ostvariti besplatnu poštarinu za poručena dva i više proizvoda.

понедељак, 11. април 2022.

Are Disposable Nitrile Gloves Food Safe

Nitrile Gloves are among the most generally available kinds of disposable Gloves. They're a very versatile option to other Disposable Gloves types and therefore are frequently suggested for food handling.

However, not every nitrile Gloves are identical. It is essential to acknowledge the different sorts of Gloves available and understand how to differentiate the models safe for food prep and individuals more appropriate with other applications.

What's Nitrile?

Nitrile describes an artificial rubber product referred to as nitrile butadiene rubber, also known as NBR or, simply, nitrile rubber.

Nitrile rubber is really a material highly resistant against oils, fuels, and lots of other chemicals. Even though this material has numerous applications (seals, O-rings, gaskets), it's most generally noted for getting used in the making of medical and food-service Gloves.

Qualities of Nitrile Gloves

The primary benefit of nitrile Gloves is the versatility and sturdiness, better than the polyethylene or vinyl glove, and similar to the latex glove, the prior standard within the food industry.

Like latex, nitrile Gloves give a snug fit, possess great elasticity, protection against abrasions, tears, punctures, and potential to deal with water, oil, and solvents. These qualities make nitrile Gloves well suited for handling multiple kinds of foods, from fresh fruit and veggies to raw meats, stopping the wearer from contaminating food and causing foodborne illnesses.

The main distinction between latex and nitrile may be the nature from the glove's material latex Gloves may cause severe side effects with a people. In comparison, nitrile is 100% safe for people struggling with a latex allergy, which makes it an excellent choice for a wider selection of people.

What kinds of Nitrile Gloves can be found?

Although nitrile Gloves might be offered and marketed for a number of applications, two of the most important criteria for that food handling industry are their grade and whether or not they are powder-free.

Grades of Nitrile Gloves

Nitrile Gloves might be either food-grade, industrial-grade, or medical-grade (also known as examination-grade). Even though they make use of the same recycleables within their construction, there might be significant variations thick, manufacturing processes, and overall material quality.

The primary distinction between the various nitrile glove grades is whether or not the Gloves pass Food and drug administration safety tests and needs for your specific application, using various chemical transmission, abrasion, and puncture resistance tests to find out their level of quality.

Even though the Food and drug administration may consider the 3 appropriate for preparing food, test-grade needs tend to be more stringent than individuals for industrial applications quite simply, medical-grade Gloves tend to be more resilient and meet a greater quality standard.

The greater reliability of exam-grade Gloves presents several benefits highly relevant to food safety: they're less inclined to be slashed or punctured, protecting the wearer more proficiently. Whenever they eventually tear or lose their integrity over prolonged use, these Gloves lose less pieces, which could fall under and contaminate foods.

Powdered versus. Powder-Free Gloves

Most nitrile Gloves can be found in two forms: powdered or powder-free.

Powdered Nitrile Gloves are coated in fine corn starch powder, an all natural moisture-absorbing substance intended to really make it simpler to don the Gloves and the wearer's hands dry and sweat-free.

However, powdered Gloves present many disadvantages: the powder has a tendency to remain stuck towards the wearer's hands along with other surfaces after taking out the Gloves, transporting a lengthy listing of potential health problems, for example airway inflammations, respiratory system irritations, and allergy symptoms.

Powder-free nitrile Gloves employ different manufacturing ways to recreate the qualities of corn starch powder, for example chlorination or polymer coating. These processes allow wearers to don the Gloves with increased ease than untreated or uncoated Gloves, with no disadvantages of corn starch powder.

How Do Choose Right Color Of Hair Extensions

If you wish to get thicker and longer hair fastly, you are able to put on your hair extensions correctly to ensure they are seem like your natural hair. Naturally, this means you have to pick the perfect extensions texture and color to fit your natural hair. This information will provide you with some hacks on how to find a hair extension color that suits your personal hair suppliers :

Look Into The Colour Of Your Ends

As everyone knows, extensions are affixed to the foot of your mind more often than not. They are known as extensions. Therefore, whenever you intend to buy online for extensions, it is best to not focus only around the front of the hair to paint match. In the end, the leading pieces and surface of your mind might be lighter colored than all of your hair, particularly if you have highlights hair or balayage hair.

When selecting the best color match, please always employ the colour of the hair's ends like a reference instead of your roots. For example, waiting in sun light, compare the colour of the mid-length to ends using the colors from the extensions on the website to find the most appropriate hair weaves, which could better make sure that your hair and also the extension will blend flawlessly together. There's without doubt that it's the most accurate way to get the best color match.

Perform The Color Match Test Under Sun Light

As pointed out above, the easiest method to perform a color match test is under sun light. This is because artificial lights can impact the way a color seems, and they will trick your vision.

For instance, incandescent lights will cast a hot light. It may boost the way reds, oranges, yellows, along with other warm colors appear, thus which makes them look more vibrant than normal. Rather, natural sunlight is definitely the very best to assist gauge what color hair is. If there's a window nearby, perform the match test there.

Be Aware Of Refund Policy Of stores And Do Not Be Embarrassed To Return When Not A Match

Should you selected the incorrect color, simply take it back. Nowadays, many online hair stores possess a 100 % satisfaction guarantee.

Client satisfaction is definitely our main concern. And our dedicated Qc and Quality Assurance Teams will inspect your products just before shipping to be sure the quality in our product. If you're not pleased with the products you received, you can arrange an exchange or perhaps a refund for you personally within thirty days.

When Selecting Between Two Colors, Pick The Lighter One

If you're torn between two colors, it is usually better to stick to the lighter choice.

Around the one hands, light extensions are simpler to dye more dark colors.However, It's terrible to bleach dark extensions to ensure they are appear lighter, that will risk ruining the texture and color of real hair bundles.

You should consider asking individuals who gave you your hair extensions when they offer toning services or otherwise. Some hair extension providers offer this particular service to assist their clients attain the perfect hair color which will match their head of hair. You may also get it done by yourself, but requesting specialist help from the hairstylist provides you with better results.

Go for 100% Human Remy Extensions

Regardless of what extensions you have to choose the best color extension to fit your hair, it is usually best to choose 100% human Remy hair, the greatest quality hair extension. For instance, our all real hair weaves are made from 100% virgin real hair from wholesale hair vendors to enable them to be dyed, permed, bleached, highlighted, straightened, or styled as the own hair based on your need.

Within the finish, bear in mind that does not all of the hair in your mind has got the same color, as well as your goal ought to be to discover the shade that's nearest for your natural hair. This method could be tricky, however, you can stick to the formerly pointed out tips to select from perfect extensions to ensure they are look perfect, even if cut or styled.