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Архива чланака


субота, 15. фебруар 2020.

Isprobavanje Elizavecca proizvoda

Korejska kozmetika Elizavecca je jedan od mojih omiljenih brendova kada se radi o preparatima za negu kože.
Ako me pratite, onda znate da sam do sada isprobala dosta njihovih proizvoda i da sam više nego zadovoljna.
Pre mesec dana na moju adresu stigao je novi paket sa Elizavecca proizvodima. Ja sam ih isprobala i danas ću vam preneti svoje utiske.

Elizavecca Korean Cosmetics is one of my favorite brands when it comes to skin care products.
If you follow me, then you know that I have tried a lot of their products so far and that I am more than satisfied.
A month ago a new package with Elizavecca products arrived at my address. I tried them and today I will pass on my impressions.

U ovom paketu našli su se piling tuferi, maska za područje oko očiju, 24.K Gold maska za lice, kao i dva testera.

This package included peeling tuffs, an eye mask, a 24.K Gold face mask, as well as two saws.

I was most drawn to Elizavecca Hell-Pore Perfect Wine Sparkling Peeling Pad.

Radi se o hemijskom pilingu, odnosno piling tuferima ili pre bih rekla malim rukavicama za piling, jer svaki od tufera ima prostor u koji ubacite prste i onda radite piling.
U pakovanju ima 30 tufera i namenjeni su svim tipovima kože.

It is a chemical peeling, or rather a peeling buffer, or rather I would say small peeling gloves, because each of the buffers has a space where you insert your fingers and then do the peeling.
There are 30 tuffers in the package and are intended for all skin types.

Ali, hajde najpre da krenemo od pakovanje.
Piling tuferi dolaze u crvenoj kutiji unutar koje je smeštena velika plastična posuda sa tuferima. Samo pakovanje je dosta čvrsto urađeno, veliki bordo čep super funkcioniše, pa i ako je pakovanje dosta veliko čini ga sigurnim za put.
Imaju jako lep miris specifičan za sve Elizavecca proizvode.
Veoma su natopljeni tako da nećete doći u situaciju da se tuferi pre korišćenja sasuše.

But let's start packing first.
Exfoliating tuffers come in a red box that houses a large plastic tuffer pan. The packaging itself is quite tight, the large burgundy plug works great, even if the packaging is large enough to make it safe to go.
They have a very nice scent specific to all Elizavecca products.
They are very soaked so that you will not be in a situation where the buffers are dried before use.

Jedan tufer je dovoljan za jedno korišćenje. Ima dve strane, ravnu i reljefnu.
Najpre se koristi reljefna strana, pa zatim ravnija. Imaju prostor u koji stavite prste i onda koristite tufere.

One buffer is enough for one use. It has two sides, flat and embossed.
The relief side is used first, then the flat side. They have a space where you put your fingers and then use tuffers.

Sadrže ekstrakt crnog vina koji pozitivno deluje na kožu, poboljšava tonus kože, zaglađuje i izjednačava ten.
Nakon korišćenja, na licu ostaje srvenkasta boja i dosta tečnosti sa kojom su sami tuferi natopljeni. Lice možete isprati, ali preporučuje se da pustite kožu da sve upije.
Ovi tuferi nisu grubi i nisu za one koji vole jake pilinge, naprotiv blagi su, tako da su pogodni i za osetljivu kožu. 
Meni su se dopali i volim da ih koristim.
Zanimljivi su i skroz drugačiji od pilinga na koje sam navikla. Ne iritiraju lice, nežni su, a opet uklone mrtve ćelije.

They contain red wine extract that has a positive effect on the skin, improves skin tone, smoothes and evens out the complexion.
After use, there is a reddish color on the face and plenty of fluid that the tuffers themselves are soaked with. You can wash your face, but it is recommended that you let the skin absorb everything.
These tuffers are not rough and are not for those who like strong scrubs, on the contrary they are gentle, so they are also suitable for sensitive skin.
I liked them and I like to use them.
They are interesting and completely different from the scrubs I am used to. They do not irritate the face, are gentle, and again remove dead cells.

Elizavecca Milky Piggy Hell-Pore Gold Hyaluronic Acid Eye Patch je hidrogel maska za predeo oko očiju. 

Elizavecca Milki Piggi Hell-Pore Gold Hyaluronic Acid Spray is a hydrogel eye mask.

Ova hidrogel maska za predeo oko očiju dolazi u pakovanju nalik pakovanju kreme za lice.
Unutar pakovanja nalazi se špatula za uzimanje maski koja je super za korišćenje, prvenstveno iz higijenskih razloga, jer njenim korišćenjem sprečava se unos bakterija.

This hydrogel eye mask comes in a package that looks like a pack of face cream.
The package contains a masking spatula that is great to use, primarily for hygienic reasons, because its use prevents bacteria from entering.

Dobija se 60 maskica koje su dovoljne za 30 korišćenje. Lepo su oblikovane, tako da super prijanjanju oko očiju.
Providne su, jako tanke i izuzetno natopljene serumom.

You get 60 masks that are enough for 30 uses. They are nicely shaped so that they fit perfectly around the eyes.
They are transparent, very thin and extremely soaked in serum.

Kažu da ove maskice hidriraju predeo oko očiju, smanjuju vidljivost bora i smanjuju nadutost, posebno ukoliko se drze u frižideru.
Maskice sam koristila već nekoliko puta i svidja mi se sama zamisao. Jako su natopljene, pa tih 15 minuta morate ležati kako ne bi skliznule, ali jako lepo hidriraju predeo ispod očiju. Zaglade kožu, omekšaju i nakon njih korektor izgleda super.
Što se tiče bora, ja nemam velikih problema sa njima, ali smatram da bi se video pravi učinak, potrebno je duže vreme koristiti maske.
U suštini, svakako proizvod vredan pažnje.

These masks are said to hydrate the eye area, reduce wrinkle visibility and reduce bloating, especially if kept in the refrigerator.
I have used masks several times and I like the idea. They are very soaked, so you have to lie down for 15 minutes so that they do not slip, but they moisturize the area under the eyes very nicely. Smooths the skin, softens and afterwards the concealer looks great.
As for the wrinkles, I don't have a lot of problems with them, but I think to see the true effect, it takes longer to use masks.
Basically, certainly a product worth considering.

Elizavecca Milky Piggy 24K Gold Water Dual Snail Mask je maska u maramici. Sadrži 24k zlato i puževu sluz koja je namenjena obnavljanju i revitalizaciji kože.
Smeštena je u veoma lepo pakovanje.
Jako je natopljena serumom i kažu da se može koristiti dva puta. Ja to nisam radila, jer sam preostali serum nanela na područje vrata i dekoltea.
Na samoj maski nalaze se sitne zlatne čestice, ali to kamera nije mogla da uhvati.

Elizavecca Milky Piggy 24K Gold Water Dual Snail Mask is a mask in a handkerchief. It contains 24k gold and snail mucus, which is intended to renew and revitalize the skin.
It is packed in a very nice package.
It is heavily soaked in serum and they say it can be used twice. I did not do this because I applied the remaining serum to the neck and décolletage area.
There are tiny gold particles on the mask itself, but the camera couldn't capture it.

Ova maska je super za hidrataciju lica i održavanju vlažnosti kože. Ne daje instant efekat, već se njene blagodeti vide i kasnije nakon korišćenja. Prijatnog je mirisa i nije mi izazvala iritacije.

Veoma su mi se dopali proizvodi koji su se našli u ovom paketu i mislim da su vredni pažnje. Zanimljivi su i korisni, tako da ću ih uvesti u moju svakodnevnu rutinu nege lica.

This mask is great for moisturizing your face and keeping your skin moisturized. It does not give an instant effect, but its benefits are seen later after use. It has a pleasant scent and has not caused any irritation.

I really liked the products that came in this package and I think they are worth the attention. They are interesting and useful, so I will introduce them into my daily face care routine.

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