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уторак, 30. март 2021.

All Natural Foods GiveMe3 | Zdrave grickalice

Od kada sam redukovala svoju ishranu i počela zdravije da se hranim, jako se obradujem kada pronađem zdrave grickalice. 
Dok nisam počela zdravije da se hranim, nisam znala koliko zdravih grickalica ima na našem tržištu i koliko su ukusne. Jedne od tih grickalica pravi i All Natural Foods.
Ali Natural Foods u svojoj ponudi ima GiveMe3 organski čips, organski čaj, kao organske kuglice napravljene od organske biodinamičke jabuke i koncentrovanog soka organske jabuke.

Njihovi proizvodi prave se od organske biodinamičke jabuke i savršen su izbor za užinu. Pakuju se u kesice, tako da ih svuda mogu poneti sa sobom.
Ja sam probala njihov GiveMe3 organski čips i organski čaj od biodinamičke jabuke.

GiveMe3 organski čips pravi se od jabuke koja se suši na niskim temperaturama. Ovakvom metodom sušenja sačuvani su svi vitamini i benefiti voća. U svojoj ponudi imaju čips od slatke jabuke i čips od kiselkaste jabuke, mada za koji god da se odlučite nećete pogrešiti, jer je jako ukusan.
U jednoj kesici nalaze se tri jabuke. 

Ja sam ga grickala kada mi se jelo nešto slatko, jer je dovoljno sladak tako da mi je bio super u tu namenu. Pored toga, odličan je za užinu. Brzo zasiti i nemoguće je pojesti celu kesicu od jednom. Daleko je ukusniji od klasičinog čipsa, a i složićete se, dosta zdraviji.
Ovu ukusnu grickalicu možete kupiti u DM drogeriji.

Drugi proizvod koji sam probala je njihov Organic Bites tea ili Organski čaj napravljen od biodinamičke jabuke. U svojoj ponudi imaju čaj od slatke jabuke, čaj od kiselkaste jabuke i čaj od maline.

Ova mešavina napravljena je od organskih proizvoda i u svom sastavu nema ništa drugo osim voća. Pored pripreme čaja, može da se koristi za pripremu smutija, sladoleda, ali i doručka u kombinaciji sa jogurtom.

Ovaj čaj je pravi voćni čaj koji sadrži komadiće organske biodinamičke jabuke. Napravljen je od celih plodova jabuke.Za pripremu čaja dovoljne su samo dve kaščice koje se preliju vrelom vodom i ostave na par minuta. Komadiče jabuke možete kasnije pojesti. Super je i kao smuti u kombinaciji sa ostalim voćem ili za doručak.

Po želji, možete ga i zasladiti, ali meni je bio dovoljno sladak, pa nisam dodavala šećer. 
Ovaj GiveMe3 Organski čaj idealan je za sve ljubitelje zdravih čajeva, kao za ljubitelje voćnih čajeve. Sasvim sam sigurna da će vam se dopasti, jer su ovi čajevi jako ukusni i mogu se iskoristiti na više načina.

Pored zdravih grickalica, All Natural Food u svojoj ponudi ima i jedan kozmetički preprarat, odnosno Biodinamičku celularnu vodu. Ovaj preparat sadrži ćelije voća i može se koristiti u nezi lica i kose. Ja sam ga probala u oba slučaja i baš mi se dopao. Proizvod je na pumpicu koja jako lepo raspršuje i ne ostavlja kapljice. Super je kao tonik i jako lepo se ponaša prema koži. Što je najbitnije, nije mi izazvao nikakve iritacije.
Pored kože, koristila sam ga i na kosi. Nakon pranja prskala sam kosu umesto regenratora. Ova Celularna voda nije mi kosu dodatno mastila i rekla bih da sam sa njom veoma lako kosu razčešljavala, kao i da mi je smanjala samo mašćenje kose. Sve u svemu, jako mi se sviđa i redovno je koristim.

All Natural Foods GiveMe3 proizvodi su za mene pravo otkriće, jer sam veoma uživala kako u samom konzumiranju organskog čipsa i čaja, tako i u korišćenju Celularne vode. Jako je lepo znati da u moru industrijskih proizvoda postoje i organski proizvodi koji su nam na dohvat ruke.

понедељак, 29. март 2021.

Meet the shoes from the Newchic site

Hello, my dear! Welcome to the new blog text! Today I want to present you a great site whose offer I recently came across.
It's about the site Newchic.
This site is especially known for its wide range of products. Their assortment is really very diverse and I would especially like to single out their footwear.
I'm really thrilled with how beautiful their shoes are and I've been spending a lot of time on their site choosing couples to order.
In this text, I will show you the couples that I liked the most, and first I want you to pay attention to clog mule sandals.
These models are really beautiful. I love wearing sandals like this and they are always my first choice for long walks. They are very comfortable, above all they are very beautiful decorative and a real fashion detail.

In addition to these wonderful sandals, I want to draw your attention to chunky heel sandals. Heeled sandals have always been the right choice for every girl. The first choice when talking about evening combinations or festive events.I like sandals like this because the heel is not big, and therefore they are very comfortable. You will see below that the heeled sandals from this site are very beautiful and perfect to combine. The models are really wonderful and it is very difficult to decide on just one pair. In the following text, I will show you only a couple of the ones that attracted my attention the most and that I like the most, although believe me, the choice is very difficult.

I know that a lot of girls also like slippers, and as spring comes to us, I have beautiful ones for you embroidered slippers.
To our great satisfaction these sandals are back in fashion and are very popular.All girls who love fashion and follow fashion trends have a pair of these sandals in their wardrobe.These sandals are very beautiful. They look very nice on the legs and give each clothing combination a special note.You have a very large selection of these sandals on this site and if you are looking for a special model I am quite sure you will find it here.

What I still really like is that they have and in their offer floral flat shoes.These shoes are among the most comfortable types of shoes, if we do not include sneakers.This model of footwear is my favorite choice and I have a lot of such models in my shoe store.It is a really very comfortable training that combines well and is great for any clothing combination.Both shoes are made in a lot of variants and it all depends on what occasion you need. They can be relaxed, and they can be elegant.In addition, I personally think that these shoes are synonymous with comfort.

So that this text would not be very long, I will bring it slowly to the end and at the end I will present you another section of footwear, and that is square heel sandals.Sandals on this heel are very comfortable and I think that women who work and spend a long time on their feet like to wear them the most. Business women like to wear a beautiful elegant and comfortable sandal on their feet.That is why these sandals are the right choice for them.In addition to business women, young girls also like to wear models like this.I really like these sandals and I would love to own a few pairs from this site.

In addition to these shoes and their selections that I presented today, you have many more models waiting for you on this site.All the models are very beautiful and I believe you will enjoy them.The prices are very affordable and on this site you always have various benefits for ordering.They always have discounts, promotions as well as additional codes with which you can get an additional discount when buying.If you want to order something from this site, I want to draw your attention to the fact that they will soon have two Facebook Live streams in 29 March and 9 April.

There will be a big spring summer sale and I think the prices will be really great. I think this is an ideal opportunity for good shopping. 
I hope you enjoyed reading and presenting this site as well as their offerings.

субота, 27. март 2021.

Recenzija Farmasi proizvoda

Zdravo, dragi moji!
Za danas sam vam pripremila recenziju Farmasi proizvoda koje sam koristila u prethodnom periodu. Do sada sam isprobala dosta Farmasi proizvoda i smatram da imaju veoma kvalitetne proizvode. Cenovno su veoma pristupačni i imaju veoma raznovrsnu paletu proizvoda.

Ovoga puta pretstaviću vam i preneti utiske o 4 Farmasi proizvoda, tri proizvoda za negu tela i jedan za negu kose.

Farmasi u svojoj ponudi ima nekoliko kolekcija koju čine proizvodi za negu tela, a jedna od njih je limitirana kokos i vanila kolekcija. Iz ove kolekcije imam dva proizvoda, gel za tuširanje i losion za ruke i telo.

Ovi proizvodi su savršeni za sve ljubitelje mirisa vanile i kokosa, a ja sam jedna od njih. U okviru ove kolekcije imate proizvode za negu tela i kose. Ukupno 6 proizvoda za apsolutni ugođaj i uživanje svim čulima.

Gel za tuširanje ima divnu teksturu i u kontaktu sa vodom stvara bogatu penu. Jako je nežan i blag prema koži, tako da je neće isušiti, već će ostaviti blag miris. Miris ove kolekcije nije jak i veštački, već je veoma lep i kao što bi rekli, najviše podseća na miris dobro poznatih kolača od kokosa, čupavaca.
Losion za ruke i telo ima ukupno 200ml pravog savršenstva za negu tela. Tekstura ovog losiona je veoma lagana i koža ga brzo upija. Divno neguje i koža nakon njega je veoma mekana i mirisna. Baš mi se dopala ova kolekcija i mislim da ću kao veliki ljubitelj kokosa i vanile morati da nabavim i ostale proizvode.
Cena gela za tuširanje je 300din, dok je losion 239din.

Dr.C.Tuna krema za depilaciju dolazi u pakovanju do 100ml. U pakovanju pored kreme dobija se i špatulica uz pomoć koje nanosite i uklanjate kremu.
Ova krema za depilaciju u svom sastavu sadrži shea maslac koji neguje kožu, kao i vitamin E.
Bila sam veoma skeptična po pitanju ove kreme, jer imam loše iskustvo sa kremama ze depilaciju. Međutim, prijatno sam iznenađena. Jako lepo uklanja dlačice i ne izaziva iritaciju, što mi je najbitnije. Ja sam sa njom uklanjala dlačice sa ruku i podkolenica i za 5 minuta koliko sam držala ovu kremu, sve je uklonila.
Nakon nje, kože je bila veoma mekana. Jako mi se svidela i mislim da je odličan izbor za sve sa osetljivom kožom.
Cena ove kreme za depilaciju je 600din.

Poslednji proizvod koji sam isprobala je Dr. C. Tuna maska za kosu od belog luka.
Radi se o revitalizirajućoj maski sa unapređenom formulom sa ekstraktom belog luka i capixylom koji pruža kompletnu negu za sve tipove kose koji se suočavaju sa problemom opadanja i pucanja.
Posebno se preporučuje za jačanje tanke i krhke kose.

Ja veoma volim maske za kosu i stalno ih kupujem. Moja kosa je tanka i veoma brzo se masti, tako da sam u potrazi za nekim proizvodom koji će to rešiti.
Ova maska za kosu ne miriše na beli luk iako ga ima u svom sastavu. Miris je jako lep, ali se ne zadržava na kosi. Sama tekstura ove maske je lagana poput nekog balzama za kosu. Koristila sam je na više načina, ali najčešće nakon šampona prosušila bih kosu peškirom i nanela na celu dužinu kosu. Ostavim nekih 10min i nakon toga isperem. Koristila sam je i umesto balzama, držeći nekih 2/3 minuta kada nisam imala više vremena.  Iako sam je nanosila na celu kosu, ova maska mi nije dodatno zamastila kosu, kao što je slučaj sa pojedinim proizvodima. Primetila sam i to da sam je mnogo lakše razčešljavala, a da mi pri tome nije bila potrebna neka prskalica. Nakon nje, kosa je jako mekana i lagana bez osećaja težine.
Veoma mi se svidela i smatram da za cenu oko 500din koliko i košta ova maska dobijate sasvim dobar proizvod za sve tipove kose.

Farmasi ima veoma pristupačnu kozmetiku i kao što ste mogli i da pročitate, veoma sam zadovoljna ovim proizvodima. 
Volela bih da, ako ste probali neki od ovih proizvoda, podelite sa mnom svoje utiske.
Sve Farmasi proizvode možete poručiti kod Vesne. Možete je pronaći na instagramu (ovde). Pored poručivanja, od Vesne možete dobiti sve informacije o proizvodima, katalogu, akcijama, ali i učlaniti se u Farmasi kompaniju i kupovati sa povlasticama.

*Koji je vaš omiljeni Farmasi proizvod?

уторак, 23. март 2021.

Best tops for women

Hello, my dear!
Welcome to my blog text.
Today I want to present you Ninacloak site and its offer.
On this site you have a great selection of women's clothes, as well as assosiators. In addition, they have a discount on the first order, as well as various discount codes if you spend some money on the site.
As it came to us in the spring, I want to show you ladies blouses and with pleasure we carry slightly more light things.
On this site you have a really very large selection of women's blouses of all models.
Whether you need a blouse for a festive occasion, dinner, going out in the city or a long walk on this site, you can find your ideal model.
I am very surprised how many beautiful models they have.
The prices are really very affordable, so there is something for everyone here.In the following text, I will show you only a couple of blouses that attracted my attention the most, and I recommended that you definitely pay attention to the offer on their website.

In addition to these beautiful blouses that are perfect for the upcoming spring period that you would enjoy wearing, I want to show you
These beautiful tops are ideal for spring for jeans or even some elegant variant.I really like to wear them because I can combine them with everything in the most comfortable way and I am quite sure that every clothing combination in which I wear them will be very beautiful.I also think that each of us loves the relationship of this tops and that they are most represented in a woman's wardrobe. I think each of us has dozens of them in our wardrobe.
In the following text, you will be able to see the tops that are my favorites and are offered by this site.

I hope you liked this text as well as my selection of women's clothing that I showed you. There are many more clothes on this site that I have not shown you and that is why I would definitely recommend you to pay attention to their offer.

недеља, 21. март 2021.

Best women shoes

Hello, my dears! Welcome to the new text! Today we are talking about a favorite women's accessory, shoes.Hello my dears! Welcome to the new text! Today we are talking about a favorite women's accessory, shoes.Women are literally obsessed with shoes. There is almost no woman who does not have a few dozen pairs of shoes in her shoe store.I believe that each of us has dozens of pairs of shoes in our shoe store. Whether it is slippers, sneakers, shoes, boots, sandals wide is very large. As stores are closed due to the pandemic, I buy most shoes online. I discovered a great site with shoes and I will present their offer to you, it is a site Shoessee.On this site you can find a very large selection of women's footwear. All models are very nice and the prices are very affordable.

What caught my attention the most on this site were actually the vintage shoes. I think this type of footwear looks really phenomenal. In addition to beauty, it can be combined with absolutely any combination. Each outfit will complete and make it complete. I have chosen a couple of models that I will show you, and you should definitely pay attention to this category.

You have to admit that all three models that I have shown you are extremely beautiful and that they could be combined perfectly.
In addition to these shoes, I really like wearing sandals. Cute sandals are something that is most in my shoe. I can't wait for the nice weather to come, so I can wear them with enjoyment. They are great for all clothing combinations, whether it is pants, skirts or dresses sandals go with everything. Whether it's sandals on a glass, flat, heel or platform, I'm sure it will complete any outfit. In the continuation of this text, you will be able to see a few pairs of sandals from this site that attracted my attention the most and that I would like to own.

I hope you liked my choice and that you enjoyed reading this text. If you are a shoe lover, pay attention to this site, I am sure you will find a pair for yourself.

субота, 20. март 2021.

Men tactical clothing

 Hello, my dears! Welcome to my new post! I hope you are well! In today's text, I want to talk about children, more precisely about men's clothing. I think that every girl likes to have a well-dressed man by her side. Tastes are different and I think that every man likes to wear it well, and he is happy to leave the decision on which piece of clothing to wear to his beautiful half, ie the girl.I recently found one site that has great menswear and that is the Wayrates site. On this site you have beautiful, very modern men's clothing. I think you will, like me, spend hours searching for their offer.Today I want to draw your special attention to tactical clothing. I think that these clothes fit every man very well and that they prefer to fight for training. It is very modern and follows all trends.

Just look at how beautiful these models are and I believe they would fit every man perfectly. On this site you have models for every type of beam and you can find clothes for every outfit, as well as for any occasion. Whether it is a festive occasion or a relaxed variant. What still attracted a lot of attention were the shirts for men.I really like when I see a shirt on a man because I think that their shirts look very nice. The same figure, they are elegant and look very attractive on men. They can be elegant through and emphasize every occasion, and they can also be sporty, that is, the perfect piece in every outfit of sporty elegance. I am a big fan of sporty elegance and my boyfriend really likes to wear shirts in combination with jeans and sneakers. This outfit looks great on him and looks great when he wears a men's shirt.
On this site you have very nice models of men's shirts and I think you will enjoy browsing their offer. They are very affordable and I think you will find the right model for your man. I will show you only a couple of shirts that I liked the most, and I will recommend you to take a look at other models.

I hope you enjoyed this text and that you enjoyed presenting this site. I hope you liked my choice of menswear and that you will pay attention to them.