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среда, 24. април 2019.

Banggood wishlist

Zdravo, dragi moji!
Danas vam pokazujem moju  listu želja sa sajta Banggood.
Ovaj sajt u svojoj ponudi ima jako veliki izbor stvari. Slobodno mogu reći od igre do lokomotive, a cene su i više nego pristupačne.

Hello, my dear!
Today I'm showing you my wish list from Banggood.
This site has a very large selection of things in its offer. I can freely say from the game to the locomotive, and prices are more than affordable.

 Xiaomi Smart LED Bulb

Kako sam sada trudna, najvise pažnje na sajtu privukle su mi trudničke stvari, kao i stvari za bebe. Imaju baš veliki izbor i odlučiti se za samo par stvari je jako teško.

As I am pregnant now, the most attention on the site has attracted my pregnancy and baby stuff. They have a very large selection and decide for only a couple of things is very difficult. 

            3pcs Soft Microfiber Baby Child Kids Bath Towels Brushed Strong Absorbent Dry Washcloth 

 Ovi prekrivači su mi se jako svideli. Boja je lepa, kao i dezen. Pored toga, beba stiže u leto, tako da bi super poslužili kao prekrivači. Prema fotografijama, rekla bih da je materijal dobar.

 I really liked these overalls. The color is beautiful, as well as the design. In addition, the baby arrives in the summer, so it would be great to serve as bedspreads. According to the photographs, I would say that the material is good.

hooded sweatshirt dress 

                 Flexible Bendable Long Handle Cleaning Brush Bottle Glass Cup Scrubber stainless steel nylon Kitchen Teapot Washing Clean Tool 

 Još jedna veoma korisna stvar je ova četka za pranje flašica. Obično pri opremanju bebe na nju zaboravimo, a potrebna je kako bi bebine flašice održavali čistim.

 Another very useful thing is this bottle wash brush. Usually, when we babys the baby is forgotten, it is necessary to keep the baby bottles clean.

womens sweatshirts  

   Children Infant Baby Bath Towel Cotton Hooded Cartoon Bathrobe Strong Water Absorption - Monkey 

 Na sajtu imaju jako lep izbor peškira za kupanje. Ovaj mi se posebno dopao.

 They have a very nice selection of bath towels on the site. I especially liked this.

sexy blouses

                Cartoon Newborn Romper Baby Cotton Clothes Infant Girls Boys Outfit Clothes
Na sajtu je dostupna i odeća za bebe. Pored stvari za bebe imaju i odeću za veću decu. 

 Baby clothes are also available on the site. In addition to baby things, they have clothes for larger children.

nail rings 

                 Pregnant Woman Autumn Winter Pure Color Thicken Slim Leggings Maternity Pants

 Helanke su komad odeće u kome se osećam najudobnije i zaista volim da ih nosim. Tako, ako me sretnete, uglavnom videćete me u njima.

 Leggings is a piece of clothing in which I feel most comfortable and I really like to wear them. So, if you meet me, you will mostly see me in them

anklet bracelet  

 Bez obzira da li ste u drugom stanju ili ne, jednostavne majice u ormaru svima su potrebne. Ovaj model je jako lep i dostupan je u  puno boja.

 Whether you are in a different state or not, simple t-shirts in the closet are all needed. This model is very beautiful and is available in many colors.

 Ova igračka u vidu slona je prelepa. Bas mi se dopada. Gledala sam je kod nas i puno je skuplja u odnosu na cenu koja je na sajtu. Mislim da se i više nego isplati poručiti je.

This elephant toy is beautiful. I like that. I watched it and it's a lot more expensive compared to the price on the site. I think it's more than worth it to pay for it.

Nadam se da vam je moja lista želja bila interesantna i da vam se moj izbor dopao. Jedva čekam da paket stigne kod mene, a onda ću vam pokazati šta se u njemu nalazi.

 I hope that my wish list was interesting and that you liked my choice. I can hardly wait for the parcel to arrive at me, and then I will show you what is in it.

уторак, 16. април 2019.

Trendy tops and cute blouses for women | Omnifever

Hello, my dear!
Welcome to my blog.
Today I want to present you Omnifever's site and its offer.
On this site you have a great selection of women's clothes, as well as assosiators. In addition, they have a discount on the first order, as well as various discount codes if you spend some money on the site.
As it came to us in the spring, I want to show you trendy tops, because now we can put off winter jackets and with pleasure we carry slightly more light things.

Since when I'm pregnant I choose a more comfortable outfit and this top is beautiful. It looks very comfortable and perfect for combining.
                                                        Round Neck  Lace Plain  Blouses

This top is ideal for some stylish combinations. I would wear it just like it was in a photo, with white trousers and some sandals with a platform.

                                                         V Neck  Zipper  Plain Long Sleeve T-Shirts

The top with short sleeves is beautiful. I like that. Like the previous models, this is available in several colors, so you can choose the one you like most.
On this site you have a very large and very nice selection of models, so I'm sure you will find something for yourself.

In addition to the tops, I would like to show you cute blouses for women, because the selection is very large and beautiful.
                                                    V Neck  Loose Fitting  Stripes Blouses

This sculpture is very beautiful. I'm not a fan of a shirt, but the model is very nice and I would like to have one like this.
                                                   Boat Neck  Floral  Long Sleeve Blouses

 This model is very interesting. The colors are very beautiful, as well as the design itself. This leaf around my shoulders is very sympathetic to me.
                                                       Turn Down Collar  Single Breasted  Letters Blouses

And in the end, I would like to show you this shirt, which is very popular lately. It's beautiful, but it's nice.
Of course, you have more models on the site, so be sure to look.
I would like to tell you how much I like your choice, and what you liked most on the site.

Prolećni trudnički outfit

Kako pre trudnoće, a tako i sada preferiram da nosim udobnu odeću. Retko kada možete me videti u nečemu što je neudobno, ma koliko to u tom trenutku bilo popularno. Pre ću se odlučiti za nešto jednostavno u čemu mogu bez problema da provedem ceo dan.
Ovih dana, helanke su moji prvi izbor, jer mi je u njima najudobnije. U skladu sa tim kombinujem ostale odevne komade.

Pre nekog vremena sa sajta Manzara poručila sam espadrile i helanke. Međutim, helanke nisu stigle do mene, jer su se u međuvremenu rasprodale, dok su espadrile tu i danas želim da vam pokažem kako izgledaju i kako ih ja kombinujem.
Espadrile sam izabrala, jer su udobne, a mogu lako da ih kombinujem.
Sam model je prilično jednostavan, crno-bela kombinacija sa krem-belim djonom. Mogu jako lako da se kombinuju kako uz pantalone, tako i kasnije uz neke haljinice.
Udobne su i u jednom delu imaju ubačen lastiš, tako da ukoliko imate šire stopalo ili vam noge otiču možete bez problema da ih nosite.
Rekla bih da su jako kvalitetne, a na sajtu su baš povoljne.

Ovoga puta, ja sam ih iskombinovala sa jaknom od eko kože, naručena je sa jednog od kineskih sajtova, crnim helankama i bež tunikom kupljenim u nekoj lokalnoj radnji. Savršeno su se uklopile i jedva čekam malo toplije vreme kako bi ih nosila uz haljine.

Želela bih da vam kažem da paketi sa ovog sajta ne podležu carinskoj kontroli, tako da možete poručivati bez straha od carine. Paket stiže za 7 do 10 dana, imaju besplatnu dostavu na porudžbine preko 290hrk, kao i brzu dostavu. Pored toga imaju i mogućnost povraćaja robe ukoliko vam nesto ne odgovara.
Stalno su imaju akcije, a kako često poručujem od njih, mogu da kažem da za male pare možete kupiti lepu i kvalitetnu kako odeću tako i obuću.

четвртак, 4. април 2019.

Golden Rose noviteti - proizvodi za lice i oči

Svake godine, Golden Rose na naše tržište izbaci nešto novo i to me jako raduje, jer je lepo imati pristupačan brend sa novitetima čiji kvalitet prozvoda može da parira i skupljim proizvodima.
Prošle godine u okviru brenda Golden Rose imali smo dve nove kolekcije, Diamond Brezze i HD kolekciju.
Ovoga puta, Golden Rose nije izbacio celu kolekciju već dve palete za lice i oči pod nazivom SITY STYLE i sjajeve za usne sa visokom pigmentacijom pod nazivom VINYL GLOSS. Pored njih, tu su i proizvodi iz linije SO CUTE.. koji pretstavljaju mini size proizvode koji su idealni  za torbe i putovanja.
U ovom tekstu želim da vam predstvim proizvode iz SO CUTE.. linije, kao i nove palete za lice i oči.

 SITY STYLE palete namenjene su za lice i oči. Sadrže bronzer, hajlajter i rumenilo, kao i devet senki za oči.
Palete možete pronaći u dve nijanse odnosno, 01 warm nude i 02 smoky.
Paleta 01 warm nude sadrži toplije nijanse koje su idealne za dnevni make up.

Pigmentacija senki varira od nijanse do nijanse. Neke senke su manje pigmentovane, neke više, ali sve u svemu, sa ovom paletom možete postići razne make up lookove.

Na očima, ove senke su dugotrajne, lako se blendaju i odlično su se pokazale sa bazom za senke.
Što se tiče nijansi za lice, bronzera, hajlajtera i rumenila, ova bronzera u paletama lepo izgledaju i mislim da bi odgovarali svakom podtonu kože. Hajlajter nijanse su prelepe i baš mi se sviđaju, dok rumenila malo više vuku na roze.

Paleta 02 smoky je paleta sa hladnijim nijansama i mislila sam da je uopšte neću koristiti, jer više volim toplije nijanse. Međutim, jako me je iznenadila. Nijanse su prelepe i super izgledaju na očima.

 Posebno mi se dopada treća, peta i sedma nijansa koje su moji favoriti. Pigmentacija ovih senki je jača nego kod prve palete i sa ovom paletom možete postići odličan večernji look.
Obe palete su lepe na svoj način i vredne pažnje. Velika mogućnost kombinovanja i sve zavisi od toga kakve nijanse više volite. Od toga zavisi i koju paletu bi odabrale. Preporučena cena ovih paleta je 1200din i možete ih pronaći u Golden Rose beauty shopovima.

 U SO CUTE.. liniji nalaze se mini size proizvodi kao što su maskare, ajlajneri, korektori, tečni karmini.Ovakva pakovanja proizvoda odlična su za torbi i za putovanja.

Ajlajner iz ove linije ima mekanu četkicu uz koju je lako naneti preciznu liniju. Moram priznati da mi nanošenje ajlajnera ne ide kako bih želela, ali ću se potruditi da naučim.

Ovaj ajlajner je crn, matte i veoma je dugotrajan.

Što se tiče korektora, ja sam dobila nijansu 01 i to je najsvetlija nijansa. Ima aplikator sa kojim može jako dobro da se nanese korektor na željeno područije.
Nema veliku moć pokrivanja i dobar je za dnevne varijante.

Kao što sam već rekla, nijansa 01 je najsvetlija nijansa, vuče na žuto i oksidira na narandžasto. Međutim i pored toga, ovaj korektor može da posluži za brzo popravljanje šminke u toku dana.
Svi proizvodi iz ove linije su jako povoljni i pristupačni, tako da bi cena ova dva proizvoda bila oko 150din.
Mislim da je to odlično, jer se dobija dosta proizvoda i ako vam se dopadnu, možete ih kupiti u full size pakovanju.

Veoma mi se dopadaju novi Golden Rose proizvodi, posebno palete koje već svakodnevno koristim. Mislim da su one pun pogodak. U nekim od narednih tekstova, pretstaviću vam i VINYL GLOSS sjajeve za usne, a do tada volela bih da mi kažete da li ste probali neki od ovih proizvoda i kako vam se sviđaju?

Women pants and jumpsuits | Cicilookshop

Hi, my dear! Welcome to my blog.
Today I want to present to you the website of Cicilookshop and his offer.
It's about a site where you can find very beautiful women's things. Two sections have attracted me the most, so I will write a little more about this today.
First I liked sexy jumpsuits for women.
I love to wear jumpsuits, because I think that every woman looks nice in them. With the help of them, it's easy to expose the figure and look sexually.
You can combine jumpsuits with sandals, but also with sneakers. It all depends on the jumpsuits model itself, as well as on the occasion when you dress it.
On this website I found elegant jumpsuits, sports, as well as jumpsuits for some optional hikes or meetings.
Below I will show you a couple of jumpsuits that attracted me most attention.

                                  V Neck  Loose Fitting  Striped  Half Sleeve  Playsuits    

 This jumpsuits is very nice. Ideal for warm summer days. With sandals, a knitted bag and a walk by the sea is perfect.

                                      Spaghetti Strap  Backless  Printed  Sleeveless Jumpsuits

As I said for the previous one, this is great for the warm days. I would say that it is very light, so that you will not be hot in it, and you will look very nice.

                                             Sleeveless Sexy Wide Leg Jumpsuit    

This jumpsuits is a very elegant model and it is excellent for some more occasional occasions, such as weddings and evening parties. It is very effective and I am sure that its appearance will attract attention.

In addition to jumpsuits, great attention on this site has attracted me and cheap women pants.
On this site there are really too many of them and the choice is not easy. I very much like to wear pants, especially now, because they are very comfortable, and I look nice in them. You can combine them with everything you want, and they will look great again. I love jeans, sweatshirts, helmets, but those light pants that are great for warm summer days.
I have selected a couple of models that I would like to present to you, but you still look at the whole offer, I'm sure that some model will like you.

                                                       Long  Camouflage  Casual  Pants

 I like this model very much, but I did not find it anywhere near us. It's nice and I think I'll get it.

                                                      Elastic Waist  Leopard Printed Pants

 Animal print is very popular this season, and these trousers are nice. I am not a fan of this trend, but I would wear this model.

                                                        Elastic Waist  Plain Pants

 These pants are hot! Beautiful and totally in my taste. With espadrillas and a white shirt would be perfect.

On this site you have many, many nice models and the choice is really great. Prices are quite affordable and, in addition, they have free delivery if you charge over $ 59 and as well as 10% on the first order.

понедељак, 1. април 2019.

Maxi dresses and cheap women pants | Cicilooshop

Spring came to us, and with it beautiful, sunny days. It's time to put off heavy winter things and put in a little something in your closet.
I am really looking forward to the arrival of nice days, because it means that it will soon be possible to wear the maxi dresses I adore.
I really love these models of dress, because they look very nice. They are great for combining, very modern and comfortable.
On Cicilooshop I have found wonderful models that I would like to show you, and at the same time I recommend.
Before I go to maxi dresses, I would like to tell you that on this site you have 10% discount on first order, as well as free shipping for orders over $ 59.
                                             Spaghetti Strap High Slit Floral Printed Maxi Dresses

This dress is beautiful. I like that. A beautiful color and a beautiful design that has the effect of being beautiful.

                                               Elegant Sexy Floral Print Vacation Maxi Dress

 This dress exquisitely exemplifies the figure, so if you are well built, I'm sure you would be beautiful.

                                          Sexy Floral Print Long Sleeves Vacation Maxi Dress

 And this dress is very beautiful. I think this is my favorite. Of course, if you love maxi dresses, look at the selection on this site, I'm sure you will find something for yourself.

 In addition to maxi dresses I want to show you and cheap women pants .
These pants are ideal for spring. I can take on espadrillas, sneakers, and even sandals. Super combine. I can serve business meetings, but also for long evening sessions. For me, they are something I love very much to wear and feel comfortable.
                                                         Elastic Waist Plain Pants

These pants are beautiful. I like that. A wonderful model.

                                                  Slim Leg Belt Plain Pants

 These pants are perfect. Excellent for combining. If you remove the perl, it can serve as a business meeting. But, besides this tiff, it can be great for some hikes.

                                                              Slim Leg Belt Pants

 And for the end I would sing these pants. I like the model, the color scheme. This greasy is beautiful.
In addition to these models, you also have wonderful models on the site, so I would recommend that you review the site's choice.
 I hope you liked my choice, so I would like you to write me in the commentary which model is your favorite.