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четвртак, 17. јануар 2019.

Dresslily wish lista

Dresslily je jedan od kineskih sajtova koji ima ogroman izbor. Ponuda je zaista raznovrsna i sigurna sam da možete pronaći dosta zanimljivih stvari. Ponovo mi se pružila prilika da poručim sa Dresslily sajta i to me veoma raduje.
Više puta sam poručivala sa ovog sajta i uglavnom sam bila zadovoljna, pa se nadam da će tako biti i ovoga puta.

Here are the new arrival:
It's time to refresh your wardrobe! DressLily prepare the best high-quality but low-prices products for you, make you free under all occasion for Monday to Friday.

 Dresslily is one of the Chinese websites that has a huge selection. The offer is really varied and I'm sure you can find a lot of interesting things. Again I was given the chance to tell from the Dresslily site and it is very happy.
I've been mailing this site several times and I was generally satisfied, so I hope it will be the same again this time.

Ova torba mi se jako dopala. Elegantna, a opet lako uklopljiva. Volim torbe koje ima srebrne detalje po sebi, kao i ovaj lančić. Već sam poručivala torbe sa ovog sajta i jako sam zadovoljna kvalitetom. 

This bag I liked very much. Elegant but yet easily interlockable. I love bags that have silver details by themselves, as well as this chain. I have already ordered the bags from this site and I am very pleased with the quality.

                                                       Women Woolen Beret

Beretke su ove zime postale jako popularne. Mislim da ih poseduje svaka devojka koja prati modne trendove. Jako retko nosim kape, ali moram priznati da mi se ovaj model jako dopada.

Berets became very popular this winter. I think that every girl who follows fashion trends owns them. I rarely wear my caps, but I must admit that this model really likes me.

                                                    Sleeveless Checked Print A Line Dress

Iako nije vreme za ovakve haljine, ova haljina mi je baš privukla pažnju. Sam dezen i model je jako lep. Za tople letnje dane i večeri bila bi odličan izbor. A pored toga, jako je povoljna.

Although it's not time for such dresses, this dress really attracted me. The model itself and the model are very nice. For hot summer days and evenings, it would be a great choice. And besides, it's very good.
                                                Tropical Off Shoulder Flounce Print Swimsuit

Ovaj kupaći sam gledala prethodno leto i baš mi je bilo žao što ga nisam poručila. Preskočiću ga i ovoga puta samo zato što sam sigurna da kada dodje leto, neću moći da ga obučem. Ali i pored toga, model je fantastičan. Sam dezen, ove naramenice, cena od 10$ je i više nego primamljiva.

I watched this bathing last summer and I was really sorry I did not order it. I'll skip it this time just because I'm sure that when the summer comes, I will not be able to wear it. But in spite of that, the model is fantastic. The design itself, these shoulders, the price of $ 10 is more than tempting.

                                                  Geometric Round Shape Hoop Earrings

Poslednja stvar koju bih htela da vam pokažem su ove minđuše. Viseće minđuše, geometriski oblik koji jako lepo stoji i dosta je popularan. Zaista jako retko nosim nakit, ali ove minđuše bi mogle da me navedu da to promenim.

 The last thing I'd like to show you is these earrings. Hanging earrings, a geometric shape that stands very well and is quite popular. I really do not really wear jewelry really, but these earrings could tell me to change it.

Use code DLBF20 with 20% discount:
Over 10usd, save 2usd; Over 20usd, save 4usd; Over 30usd, save 6usd; Over 40usd ,save 8usd; Over 50usd, save 10usd; Over 60usd, save 12usd; Over 70usd, save 14usd; Over 80usd, save 16usd; Over 90usd, save 18usd; Over 100usd, save 20usd;Over 110usd, save 22usd; Over 120usd, save 24usd; Over 130usd, save 26usd; Over 140usd, save 28usd.

                            **Da li vam se dopao moj izbor? Šta vam se najviše sviđa? **

2 коментара:

  1. Mnogo mi se dopadaju stvari koje si odabrala. A ponajviše ova torbica jer je zaista predivna ❤️❤️❤️

    I follow you: Visit and follow ----> Marija's blog

  2. Sve stvarčice koje si odabrala su divne, ali torba je nekako baš u mom stilu i nju bih definitivno poručila. Divan post, draga! ♡
