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Архива чланака


понедељак, 25. септембар 2017.

Sve boje jeseni / OUTFIT POST / Zaful

Ćao,drage moje!
Za danas sam vam pripremila jedan outfit post u kome glavni akcenat stavljam na košulju koja mi je nedavno stigla sa Zaful sajta.
Radi se o prelepoj košuljici sa ružama koja odlično razbija monotoniju u ovim pretsojećim jesećim danima.
Takođe,moram da kažem da na samom sajtu imate veliki izvor ženskih košulja i preporučila bih vam da bacite pogled.

Hi, my dear!
For today, I have prepared an outfit post where I put the main emphasis on the shirt that I recently arrived with Zaful site.
It's about a beautiful linen shirt that perfectly breaks the monotony in these overcast days.
Also, I must say that on the site itself you have a great source of loose shirt women and I would recommend that you look at them.

Moram priznati da u svom ormaru nemam ni jednu košulju i kada sam videla ovu,odmah sam znala da je moram uzeti i nisam pogrešila.
Jedino što mi je greškom stigla veličina S,a ja nosim L,ali zbog samog modela,savršeno mi odgovara i ako sam ja mislila da neću moći da pomislim da je obučem,a kamo li nešto drugo.
Zato drage moje,obratite pažnju na dimenzije kada poručujete,jer veličine znaju dosta da se razlikuju.

I must admit that I do not have a shirt in my closet, and when I saw this, I immediately knew that I had to take it and I did not make a mistake.
The only thing I missed was size S, and I wear L, but because of the model, it suits me perfectly well if I thought I would not be able to think about wearing it, or anything else.
So my dear, pay attention to the dimensions when you order, because the sizes know a lot to differentiate.


                                                       Embroidered Rose Applique Organza Panel BF Shirt

Ova košulja je izuzetnog kvaliteta i lako se održava. Nisam imala problema ni kada sam je prala,kao ni kada sam je peglala. Zbog samog materijala,morate povesti računa kada je peglate. Ja sam je peglala na najnižoj temperaturi i nisam imala problema.
Košulja je jednostavna,bela,ali zbog rukava i ovih ruža koje ima na sebi čine je da izgleda veoma prefinjeno i da svaku kombinaciju iznese.
Takođe,mislim da bi se još bolje slagala sa  crnim pantalonama ili farmerkama, kao i sa nekom suknjicom.
Verujem da će se dopasti svakoj devojci koja u sebi ima i malo romantike.

This shirt is of exceptional quality and easy to maintain. I did not have a problem even when I was washing her, as well as when I was ironing. Due to the material itself, you must take care when ironing. I was ironing at the lowest temperature and I had no problems.
The shirt is simple, white, but because of the sleeves and these roses that have on it make it look very sophisticated and bring out every combination.
Also, I think that I would better fit with black pants or jeans, as well as with some skirt.
I believe that she will love every girl who has a little romance in her.

Pišite mi,kako vam se sviđa ova odevna kombinacija,kao i košulja. Uz šta bi je vi kombinovali?
Tell me, how do you like this dress combination, as well as the shirt. What would you combine with?

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