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недеља, 3. децембар 2017.

Sammydress Christmas Snowman Dolls Pattern Shower Curtain

Ćao,dragi moji!
Nastavljamo sa review i haul tekstovima sa kineskih sajtova. Ovoga puta,u pitanju je sajt Sammydress.
Kao što znate,ovaj sat je poznat po jako velikim sniženjima i po tome da tamo možete naći pregršt stvari,od igle pa do lokomotive.
Ovoga puta,poručila sam zavesu za kadu i stazu za kupatilo,ali staza mi nije stigla,pa vam danas pretstavljam samo zavesu. Kako nam se približavaju praznici,tako je i moj izbor bio pravi novogodišnji.
Ne treba da spominjem kako je decembar moj omiljeni mesec u godini,upravo zbog te novogodišnje euforije.Obožavam Novu Godinu,sijalice,jelku i sneg.
Ove godine sam odlučila da cela kuća,pa i dvorište bude u prazničnom raspoloženju,koliko ću u tome uspeti,videćemo.

 Hi, my dear! 
We continue with review and haul texts from websites. This time, it's a Sammydress site.
As you know, this watch is known for its very high discounts and in that you can find a lot of things, from needles to locomotives.
This time, I ordered a curtain for a bath and a walkway for the bathroom, but the trail did not arrive, so today I am just a curtain. As our holidays are approaching, so my choice was a real New Year's Eve.
I should not mention how December is my favorite month of the year, precisely because of this new year's euphoria. I love the New Year, bulbs, fir and snow.
This year I decided that the whole house, even the yard should be in a festive mood, how much I will succeed in that, we will see.

                                                  Christmas Snowman Dolls Pattern Shower Curtain

Na sajtu imate ogroman izvor dezena ovih zavesa i jako je teško odličiti se. Meni se tada najviše dopao ovaj dezen koji ima tri sneška i pretstavlja pravu malu porodicu. Jasno vam je da ovaj sneško u sredini sam ja. :)
Materijal od koga je izrađena je poliester i dostupna je u tri veličine. Ja sam izabrala zavesu najvećih dimenzija. Cena ove zavese je 13$. U sklopu nje dobijate i plastične zakačke pomoću kojih ih je i kačite.

 On the site you have a huge source of designs of these curtains and it is very difficult to get off. At the time, I liked this design with three snowflakes and it represents a real little family. It's clear to me that this snowman is in the middle of me. :)
The material from which it is made is polyester and is available in three sizes. I chose the curtain of the greatest dimensions. The cost of this curtain is $ 13. As part of it, you also get plastic jacks for using them.

A ovako izgleda kada je okačite:

 And it looks like this when you hang it:

Da li vam se sviđa? Radujete li se novogodišnjim praznicima?
Do you like it? Do you like New Year holidays?

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