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Архива чланака


понедељак, 2. април 2018.

Black and White

Ćao, dragi moji!
Evo me ponovo sa još jednim modnim tekstom. U pitanju su stvari koje su mi nedavno stigle sa sajta Zaful.
Kako sam morala da poručim letnje stvari, odlučila sam se za crni šorc, crno-belu majicu i dva para čarapica.

 Hi, my dear! 
Here I am again with another fashion text. These are things that I recently arrived from the Zaful website.As I had to say summer things, I decided to wear black shorts, a black and white shirt and two pairs of socks.

Kod nas je tek stiglo proleće, temperature nisu letnje, pa je sasvim očigledno zašto u ovom tekstu nećete videti kako ove stvari izgledaju na meni, ali sve stvari sam već probala i odlične su!
Pa, da krenemo redom.
Najpre sam poručila šorc. Bila sam jako skeptična da li će mi odgovarati, da nije prekratak, jer ne volim takve stvari. Međutim, šorc je odličan!

 Spring has just come to us, the temperatures are not summer, and it is quite obvious why in this text you will not see how these things look to me, but all the things I already tried and are excellent!
Well, let's get started.
First I ordered shorts. I was very skeptical whether it would suit me, that it was not too short, because I do not like such things. However, the Shorc is excellent!

                                                         High-Rise Denim Shorts

Poručila sam ga u broju 28 koji i nosim i taman mi je. Nije kratak, što je najbitnije. Materijal je teksas, ali je pun elastina. Boja je baš crna i nije pustao boju kada sam ga prala. Mislim da ću ga baš nositi tokom leta.

I ordered it in number 28 which I wear and it is dark. It's not short, which is the most important thing. The material is Texas, but it's full of elastin. The color is very black and did not let it color when I washed it. I think I'll wear it during the summer.

Uz šorc, poručila sam i majicu kratkih rukava.
With shorts, I also ordered a shirt of short sleeves.

                                               Round Neck Ink Painting Tee

Kada sam pretraživala sajt, našla sam i ovu majicu. Mislim da ova kombinacija boja najbolje ide uz gore pomenuti šorc. Nisam pogrešila. Majica je jako lepa, kao i sam materijal koji je jako nežan i lagan. Prijatno sam iznenađena.Ovo je prvi put da poručujem majice za Zafula i prezadovoljna sam.

When I searched the site, I found this t-shirt. I think this color combination works best with the above mentioned shorts. I did not make a mistake. The shirt is very beautiful, as well as the material that is very gentle and light. I'm very surprised. This is the first time I've been telling T-shirts for Zaful and I'm very pleased.

Kako mi je ostalo par dolara, poručila sam dva para kratkih čarapa.
How I got a couple of dollars, I ordered two pairs of short socks.

    One Side 3D Donuts Printed Crazy Ankle Socks   One Side 3D Panda Baby Printed Crazy Ankle Socks

Jako mi se dopao dezen. Pande obožavam, a ove krofnice su prelepe. Divne su i uživo, ali materijal nije baš najbolji. Mislim da će se noge znojiti od njih, jer nisu pamučne. Ali, proverićemo.

I really liked the design. I love Pandas, and these donuts are beautiful. They are wonderful and live, but the material is not very good. I think that legs will sweat from them, because they are not cotton. But, we'll check.

Nadam se da vam se dopao moji izbor.Ja sam i više nego zadovoljna.
I hope you liked my choice. I'm more than satisfied.

2 коментара:

  1. Mnogo mi se dopadaju stvarčice koje si poručila. U svakom slučaju nam javljaj kakve su ti čarapice ❤️❤️❤️

    I follow you: Visit and follow ----> Marija's blog

  2. Carapice su preslatke,ali i ostale stvari :) Bas sam planirala da uzmem neki crni sorc,tako da si mi sada dala ideju :)
