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четвртак, 9. новембар 2017.

SammyDress-Preppy Women's Snow Boots With Plush and Tassels Design

Ćao,drage moje!
Nisam dugo pisala o novitetima sa kineskih sajtova,ali ponovo sam tu sa jednim novim tekstom i jednim novim sajtom.
U pitanju je sajt SammyDress i ovo je moja prva porudžbina sa ovog sajta.
Ako sve porudžbine budu kao ova,biću prezadovoljna.
Što se tiče ovog sajta,malo duže se čeka na paket jer oni imaju neki njihov metod ili plan pakovanja pošiljki,ali kada pošalju generalno brzo stigne do nas.
Ovoga puta,poslali su u četvrtak,a meni je stiglo u utorak,što je veoma pohvalno,jer neke pošiljke i kod nas znaju duže da potraju.
Imaju neverovatna sniženja i tipa sa 42$ na 5$.
Jedno takvo sniženje sam i ja uhvatila i pre neki dan je stiglo do mene.
U pitanju su čizme.

 Hi, my dear!
I have not been writing about updates from Chinese sites for a long time, but I am here again with a new text and a new site.
It's a SammyDress site and this is my first order from this site.
If all orders are like this one, I will be overwhelmed.
As far as this site is concerned, it is a little longer waiting for the package because they have some of their method or package shipment plan, but when sent it generally arrives to us.
This time, they sent on Thursday, and I arrived on Tuesday, which is very commendable, since some shipments in our country are longer to last.
They have incredible reductions of type from $ 42 to $ 5.
One such reduction was also caught and the other day came to me.
These are boots.

                                     Preppy Women's Snow Boots With Plush and Tassels Design

Naime,ove čizme su bile na ogromnom sniženju i koštale su svega 4.99$. Morate priznati da su prejeftine.
Ja sam ove čizme poručila za mene i drugarici u dva različita broja,38 i 39. Stigle su,ali su se razlikovale u boji djona.Kod para u broju 39 djon je krem,a kod para u broju 38 je žut što će te videti i na fotografijama. Zaista ne znam zbog čega,jer se radi o istom modelu. Mada,kada menjate veličine na sajtu možete videti da se promeni i boja djona,ali to nije neka mana,jer su i jedne i druge prelepe.
Sam djon je izrađen od jake gume i biće idealan za sneg. Materijal od kojeg su napravljene čizme je veoma mekan što ih čini jako udobnim. Mekane su i tople.
Jako lepo izgledaju na nozi i mogu da se kombinuju uz helanke kao i uz farmerke.

 Namely, these boots were greatly reduced and cost only $ 4.99. You must admit they are cheaper.I ordered these boots for me and my friends in two different numbers, 38 and 39. They arrived, but they differed in the colors of the djona.Kod couple in number 39 djon is a cream, and for a pair in number 38, these are yellow you and the photographs. I really do not know why, because it's the same model. Although, when you change the size of the site, you can see that the color of the album changes, but that's not a drawback because both are beautiful.The djon itself is made of heavy rubber and will be ideal for snow. The material from which the boots are made is very soft, making them very comfortable. Soft and warm.They look very nice on their feet and can be combined with helankeys, as well as with jeans.

Prezadovoljna sam ovom kupovinom. Za 4.99$ sam dobila veoma kvalitetne čizme,jako brzo su stigle do mene i nisam platila carinu. Još uvek ih ima na stanju,pa ako vam se dopadaju,od mene imate sve preporuke za kupovinu.

 I am satisfied with this purchase. For $ 4.99 I have very high boots, they quickly came to me and I did not pay customs. They still have them, so if you like, you have all the recommendations for shopping.

7 коментара:

  1. Viđala sam ove čizme puno puta, stalno mi izlaze na sajtu ali se nikada nisam odlucila da ih porucim. Mada vidim da su odlicne. Zaista su jako lepe i divno ti pristaju! A o akciji necu ni da govorim, odusevljena sam!

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  2. Oduševljena sam bukvalno. Stvarno super izgledaju, a cena je wow!
    Magični svet lepote

  3. O pa super si prošla! :)
    Čizme su prejeftine,a uopšte nisu loše i biće ti super za zimu.
    Mojoj mami se svideo ovaj,ili sličan model,ali se ne sećam na kom sajtu i nije bio na popustu tako da je ostavljeno za drugi put.
