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Архива чланака


недеља, 12. новембар 2017.

Zaful - Oversized Balls Applique Sweater

Ćao,drage moje!
Danas nastavljamo sa review tekstovima. Ovoga puta ću vam pokazati džemper koji sam naručila sa sajta Zaful.
Kao što znate,već duže vreme saradjujem sa njima i prilično sam zadovoljna izborom i kvalitetom stvari.
U ovoj porudžbini našao se samo jedan džemper i njegova cena je  25$.

 Hello my dear!
Today we continue with transparent texts. This time, I'll show you a sweater I ordered from the Zaful website.
As you know, I have been cooperating with them for a long time and I am quite pleased with the choices and quality of things.
In this order, only one sweater was found and its price is $ 25.

                                                Oversized Balls Applique Sweater

Obožavam pom pom loptice i čim sam ga videla odmah mi se dopao. Kako su pom pom loptice bile pravi modni hit ovog leta,a modni stručnjaci najavljuju da će biti  aktuelne i ovog proleća nisam mogla da odolim a da ga ne poručim.
Po sebi ima dosta pom pom loptica koje su jako dobro pričvršćene za sam džemper. Prala sam ga više puta i svaka je ostala na svom mestu.
Moram da kažem da je ovaj džemper nije mnogo debeo,neće vas tokom zime zagrejati,ali je odličan za prelazni preiod.
Ono što nisam navikla je to da se džemperi gužvaju,a ovaj se jako gužva,što ćete videti i na fotografijama.Da li je to do materijala ili ne zaista ne znam.
Poručila sam ga u veličini M,i ako nosim L i pored toga ovaj džemeper mi je malo veći. Tako da,ako vam se dopada obavezno ga poručujte u dve veličine manje.
Sam model je jako lep,ali zbog veličine ću ga proslediti nekome kome ova veličina više odgovara.

 I love pom pom balls and as soon as I saw it I immediately liked it. As pom pom balls were a real fashion show this summer, fashion experts announce that they will be up to date and this spring I could not resist but to say no.
By itself, there are plenty of pom pom balls that are very well attached to the sweater itself. I ate it several times and each one remained in my place.
I have to say that this sweater is not very thick, it will not heat you during the winter, but it's excellent for the transition period.
What I'm not accustomed to is that the sweaters are crowded, and this one is very crowded, which you will see in the photos. Is it to the material or not really I do not know.
I ordered it in size M, and if I wear L, in addition, this sweater is a little bigger. So, if you like it, be sure to order it in two sizes less.
The model itself is very nice, but due to its size, I will forward it to someone who is more suitable for this size.

Jako mi je žao što mi je veliki,ali će u svakom slučaju nekoga obradovati. Samo da je malo manji,bio bi pun pogodak.
Kako se vama sviđa ovaj džemper?

I am very sorry that I am great, but in any case I will be delighted with someone. Just being a little smaller, it would be a full hit.
How do you like this sweater?

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