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петак, 13. јул 2018.

Elizavecca Milky Piggy Hell-Pore Bubble BlackBoom Pore Pack

Ćao, dragi moji!
 Danas ću vam pretstaviti još jednu masku za lice pod nazivom Elizavecca Milky Piggy Hell-Pore Bubble BlackBoom Pore Pack.
Ova maska je korejskog brenda Elizavecca koji u svojoj ponudi ima dosta maski za lice različitih namena.

Hi, my dear!
Today I will present to you another face mask called Elizavecca Milky Piggy Hell-Pore Bubble BlackBoom Pore Pack.
This mask is a Korean brand Elizavecca who offers a lot of face masks for different purposes.

Ova maska namenjena je čišćenju kože i uklanjanju nečistoća.Pored toga spada u red bubble maski za lice.
U svom sastavu sadrži ugalj. 

 This mask is intended for cleaning the skin and removing impurities. In addition, it belongs to the order of bubble masks for face. It contains coal.

Dolazi u pakovanju od 150ml i to je jako velika količina proizvoda za jednu masku za lice. Pakovanje je jako lepo i posebno mi se dopada kutija u kojoj proizvod dolazi.

 It comes in a pack of 150ml and it's a very large amount of product for one face mask. The package is very nice and I especially like the box in which the product comes.

Sama maska je crne boje i prilično je gusta. Nanosi se u debljem sloju na očišćeno lice, izbegavajući predeo oko očiju.
Ostavi se na licu oko 5min i nakon maska se ispira, ali ne na klasičan način, već se uzima manja količina vode kojom masirate lice. Na taj način maska proizvodi mehuriće i dobija se bubble efekat.

The mask itself is black and is quite dense. It is applied in the thick layer to the cleaned face, avoiding the area around the eyes.
Leave on the face for about 5min and after the mask is washed, but not in a classic way, a smaller amount of water is used to massage your face. In this way, the mask produces bubbles and gets a bubble effect.


Pri prvom korišćenju nisam dobro pročitala uputstvo i masku sam nanela blizu očiju, tako da kada sam je ispirala, jako mi je iziritirala oči. Zbog toga, sledećeg puta obratila sam više pažnje, kako se to ne bi ponovilo. Maska ne proizvodi veliku količinu mehurića, ali su oni svakako primetni. Jako dobro očisti lice i ukloni svu prljavštinu. Kožu učini čistom i ostavi onaj škriputavi osećaj kada pređete preko nje.
Kako imam suvu kožu, a ova maska ima blagu tendenziju da je isuši, ne koristim je svakodnevno, već od prilike jednom u dve nedelje. Tako sa vremena na vreme svom licu priuštim temeljno čišćenje.
Mislim da bi ova maska bila idealna za devojke koje imaju masan tip kože.
Pored toga, kao i svi Elizavecca proizvodi i ova maska ima prelep miris.

When using it for the first time, I did not read the instructions carefully and I caught the mask close to my eyes, so when I washed it, my eyes were very irritating. Therefore, the next time I paid more attention to how it would not be repeated. The mask does not produce a large amount of bubbles, but they are certainly noticeable. Cleanse your face very well and remove all dirt. Make the skin clean and leave that creepy feeling when you cross over it.
How do I have dry skin, and this mask has a slight tendency to dry out, I do not use it on a daily basis, but once in two weeks. So from time to time I afford basic cleaning.
I think this mask would be ideal for girls who have a massive skin type.
In addition, like all Elizavecca products and this mask has a wonderful smell.

Elizavecca Milky Piggy Hell-Pore Bubble BlackBoom Pore Pack košta 30 $ i možete je poručiti ovde.
Elizabeth Milky Piggy Hell-Pore Bubble BlackBoom Pore Pack costs $ 30 and you can order it here.

                        ****Da li koristite maske za lice? Imate li svoj omiljeni brend?*****

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