Lični blog o kozmetici,modi i ostalim temama koje interesuju svaku damu.

Архива чланака


понедељак, 2. јул 2018.

Summer vibes

Sa kozmetičkih tema prelazimo na modu i ovoga puta pokazaću vam šta se to našlo u mojoj zadnjoj porudžbini sa sajta Zaful.
Ovaj sajt je jedan od najboljih kineskih sajtova na kome možete pronaći jako dobre i kvalitetne stvari. Mislim da do sada šta god da sam poručila sa Zafula, bila sam i više nego zadovoljna. Pored toga, sajt nudi razne mogućnosti i beneficije pri kupovini.
U poslednje vreme najčešće se odlučujem za jednostavne kombinacije. Najjednostavnije rečeno, sve što može da se kombinuje sa starkama dolazi u obzir. Shodno tome sam i birala stvaru u ovoj porudžbini.
Odlučila sam se za svetliji model farmerki sa 3d vezenim cvetom i belu majicu sa svetlo roze printom.

Farmerke su svetliji boje i njih sam uzela jer u garderoberu imam samo tamnije farmerke. Pored toga, model je dublji i savršeno stoji. Poručila sam ih u veličini M i odgovaraju mi. Uglavnom sve stvari poručujem u M veličini ili konfekcijski broj 36.
Što se tiče majice, dvoumila sam se da li da uzmem skroz belu majicu ili neku sa printom i odlučila sam se da uzmem ovu drugu. Print je jako jednostavan i nežne boje, tako da može lako da se kombinuje. Pored toga, majica po sebi ima rupice koje lepo izgledaju.

                                                       Floral Patched Ripped Jeans

                                                           Cotton Lip Letter T Shirt
Takođe, ovoga puta fotografije su malo drugačije od onoga što sam zamišljala, jer je prethodnih dana bilo jako loše vreme i nije bilo šanse da ih uradim negde van. Nadam se da će vam se u svakom slučaju dopasti.

 From cosmetic themes, we will switch to fashion and this time I will show you what happened in my last order from the Zaful website.
This site is one of the best Chinese sites where you can find very good and quality things. I think that by now, whatever I said from Zaful, I was more than satisfied. In addition, the site offers a variety of shopping opportunities and benefits.
In the recent times, I usually decide on simple combinations. In the simplest of all, everything that can be combined with old things comes into consideration. Accordingly, I chose the item in this order.
I decided to get a lighter model of jeans with a 3d embroidered flower and a white t-shirt with a bright pink print.

 The farmers are brighter colors and I took them because in the dresser I only have darker jeans. In addition, the model is deeper and perfectly positioned. I ordered them in size M and they answered me. Basically, I order everything in M size or ready-made number 36.
As far as the shirt is concerned, I wondered whether to take a wholly white T-shirt or print with it, and I decided to take this other one. Print is very simple and delicate, so it can be easily combined. In addition, the shirt itself has holes that look nice.

Also, this time the photos are a bit different from what I imagined, because in the past days there was a very bad weather and there was no way I could do them somewhere outside. I hope you'll like it anyway.

 If you like something from this site and want to post, you can enter this code ZFSally  and get an extra discount.

Use code " ZFSally " All orders use the code ,  over $100 save $12  ( 1 time limited )
Use code" ZFSally " All orders use the code  , over $50  save $ 6     ( 1 time limited )
Use code" ZFSally " All orders use the code  , over $25  save  $ 3    ( 1 time limited )

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4 коментара:

  1. Mnogo mi se dopadaju stvari koje si porucila. 😃

  2. Odjeca je stvarno divna. Zaljubljena sam u farmerice a i predivno ti stoje! :)
    Mnogo volim zaful jer imaju prelijepu, a kalitetnu odjeću!
    Zapratila sam te. ♥
    My blog
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  3. Izuzetno mi se dopada ova jakna. A Zaful sajt je meni jedan od najdražih sajtova za kupovinu ❤️❤️❤️

    I follow you: Visit and follow ----> Marija's blog

  4. Obožavam ove vezene detalje sa ružicama <3 Baš ti lepo stoje!
