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петак, 12. јануар 2018.

Noviteti sa sajta Rosegal #6

Nastavljamo sa novitetima i ponovo je tu sajt Rosegal.
U ovoj porudžbini,našle su se stvari za muža i drugaricu,odnosno rodjendanski poklon.
Pogodila sam veličine što mi je jako drago.Stvari su mi poslali DHL-om,nisam ništa platila,a porudžbina je stigla za oko sedam dana,što je zaista super.

 We are continuing with the novelties and again is the site of Rosegal.
In this order, things were found for a husband and a friend, or a birthday gift.
I was hitting the size that I'm very glad. Also, they sent me things by DHL, I did not pay anything, and the order arrived in about seven days, which is really great.

                                                           Hooded Simple Buttons Pullover Hoodie
Prva stvar koju sam poručila je muška dukserica.
Već sam poručivala dukserice sa ovog sajta i bila sam prezadovoljna,tako je i ovoga puta. Duks je lep,mekan,debeo i idealan za zimu. Jako mi se dopada.

 The first thing I told her was a male sweatshirt.
I already ordered the sweatshirts from this site and I was very satisfied, so this time too. Sweatshirt is nice, soft, thick and ideal for winter. I like it very much.

Pored ove dukserice,uzela sam još dve. Bile su na sniženju,pa sam ga iskoristila.

                                                            Trendy Hooded Double Breasted Pocket Hemming Slimming Long Sleeve Cotton Blend Hoodie For Men 

 In addition to this sweatshirt, I took two more. They were down, so I used it.

Radi se o istom modelu,samo su boje različite. Pre nekog vremena,poručila sam ovakvu duksericu i veoma mi se dopala,pa sam sada poručila još dve. Trenutno su rasprodate,ali bile su jako povoljne,čini mi se ispod 5$.

 This is the same model, only the colors are different. Some time ago, I ordered this trainer and I really liked it, and now I have ordered two more. They are currently sold out, but they were very good, it seems to me under $ 5.

                                                       15Pcs Two Tone Mermaid Tail Facial Makeup Brushes

Četkice sa kineskih sajtova su veoma kvalitetne i posedujem dva para. Ove sam poručila za drugaricu,a i za sebe. Tako da će te neke detaljnije utiske čitati kroz par tekstova.
Ono što za sada mogu da kažem je to,da četkice jako lepo izgledaju i veoma su dekorativne. Mekane su i mislim da će lepo raditi svoj posao.

 Brushes from Chinese sites are very good and I own two pairs. I ordered this for a friend, and for myself. So you will read some more detailed impressions through a few texts.
What I can say for now is that brushes look very nice and very decorative. They are soft and I think they will do their job well.

 Poručila sam još nešto vezano za make up pribor,a to su dva sunđerčića za šminkanje,odnosno dva beauty blendera.
 I've made some more about make up accessories, and these are two make-up spirits, or two beauty blends.
                                   Water Drop Sponge Flawless Powder Blending Foundation Smooth Beauty Makeup Powder Puff Sponge Blending Powder

Čitala sam pozitivne utiske vezane za beauty blendere sa ovih sajtova,pa sam odlučila da poručim.
Nažalost,nisu ispunili moja očekivanja. Previše su tvrdi,mali,možda bi i mogli za blendanje korektora,ali kada se nakvase uopšte ne narastu. Ostanu iste veličine. Tako da mi se ne dopadaju.

 I read positive impressions related to the beauty blenders from these sites, so I decided to say it.
Unfortunately, they did not fulfill my expectations. They are too hard, small, they might be able to blend the correctors, but when they do not grow at all. They remain the same size.
So I do not like it.

I za kraj,poručila sam džemper i helanke za drugaricu,kao deo rodjendanskog poklona.

                                                   Deer Maple Leaf Tunic Christmas Sweater

 And in the end, I ordered a sweater and a helmet for a friend, as part of a birthday gift.

                                                      Plus Size Appliqued Skinny Jersey Leggings

Džemper je iz novogodišnje kolekcije i trenutno ga nema na stanju. Mekan je i univerzalne veličine.
Što se tiče helanki,one su iz plus size kategorije i jako su lepe. Rastegljive i imaju na kraju nalepljen deo od čipke.
The jumper is from the New Year's collection and is currently in no condition. It's soft and universal.
As far as helanki are concerned, they are from the plus size category and are very nice. Extensible and have a sticky part of the lace in the end.

Da li vam se sviđa moj izbor?
Do you like my choice?

5 коментара:

  1. svidja mi se crveni duks,cetkice su prelepe,lepse nisam videla.helanke su pun pogodak

  2. Odličan izbor!
    Četkice su jako lepe, imam isti set i prezadovoljna sam, a džemper koji si namenila drugarici je savršen,pravi Božićni ♥

  3. Cetkice su predivne. Dopada mi se džemper, kao i tajice. Stvarno si izabrala predivne stvari ^_^
