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Архива чланака


уторак, 30. јануар 2018.

Noviteti sa sajta Zaful

Ćao,drage moje!
Za danas imam jedan tekst koji je vezan za novitete sa kineskih sajtova. Znate da volim da poručujem sa ovih sajtova i radujem se svakoj novoj porudžbini i paketu. Pre nekog vremena stigao mi je paket sa sajta Zaful.
U ovom paketu našle su se tri stvari,dukserica,torba i gumice za kosu.

 valentines day 2018

valentine day special

valentines day sale

 Hi, my dear! 
For today, I have one text that is related to news from Chinese sites. You know that I like to say from these sites and I look forward to every new order and package. Some time ago, I received a package from the Zaful website.
There are three things in this package, a sweatshirt, a bag and a hair straightener.

                                                  Rabbit Patches Contrast Ribbon Hoodie

Ovo je prvi put da poručujem dukserice sa sajta Zaful i moram priznati da sam oduševljena. I ako mi je na sajtu izgledala jako lepo,uživo je još lepša. Jako je kvalitetna i debela. Ima kapuljaču sa očima i ušima,kao i satenske pertle. Na rukavima takođe ima dve male aplikacije. Idealna je za hladne dane i kako je one size,velike su šanse da vam bude dobra. Dostupna je u tri boje i njena cena je  31$.  

This is the first time I've been telling sweatshirts from the Zaful website and I must admit I'm thrilled. And if it looked very nice on the site, it's even more beautiful in live. It's very good and fat. It has a hood with eyes and ears, as well as satin perl. The sleeves also have two small applications. It is ideal for cold days and, as it is, that size, it's a great chance to be good. It is available in three colors and its price is $ 31.

Zatim,poručila sam torbu.
 Then, I ordered the bag.
                                                   Weave Textured Leather Tote Bag
Ako me pratite,znate da sam ovakvu torbu kupila za drugaricu i nisam odolela da ne poručim i jednu za sebe. Torba je jako lepa i kvalitetna,ali zbog materijala od kojeg je izradjena jako loše se fotografiše.
Ako vam se dopada ova torba,preporučila bih vam da je pogledate na sajtu,jer je identična.

If you follow me, you know that I bought this bag for my friend and I did not want to say one for myself. The bag is very beautiful and quality, but because of the material from which it was made it is very badly photographed.
If you like this bag, I would recommend that you look at the site because it is identical.

I kako mi je ostalo par dolara,poručila sam set gumica za kosu.
And as I got a couple of dollars, I ordered a set of hair straighteners.

                                                 Faux Pearl Bows Elastic Hair Band Set

U ovom setu dobijate 10 gumica za kosu. Sve gumice za kosu su drugačije boje i imaju bisere koji su ove godine jako popularni.Mislim da nisu nekog preteranog kvaliteta,ali poslužiće.

In this set you get 10 hair straighteners. All hair creams are different in color and have pearls that are very popular this year. I do not think they are of some overvalued quality, but they will serve.

Ako vam se sviđa nešto iz moje porudžbine ili sa sajta možete prilikom poručivanja uneti ovaj kod i ostvariti popust:   ZFNancy         

 If you like something from my order or from the site you can enter this code when ordering and get a discount: ZFNancy  

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