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субота, 3. март 2018.

Best winter men's shoes

Ćao,drage moje!
Zima nas je i ove godine iznenadila snegom.  Meni to ne smeta i jako sam se obradovala, a taman sam se spremala da odložim svoju zimsku odeću. Međutim, to će sačekati, bar još koju nedelju.
Ako me pratite, znate da sam mužu poručila cipele za zimu i da sam tom prilikom poručila pogrešan broj, tako da su njemu bile male. Odlučila sam to da ispravim i prvom prilikom sam sa sajta Rosegal poručila  druge.  I ove mu odgovaraju.  Stigle su pre početka ovog snega, tako da ih je pošteno iznosao.

                                                   Men Casual Fashion Sport Walking Warm Lace-Up Shoes 

Već sam sa ovog sajta poručivala obuću i više sam nego zadovoljna. Tako da nisam imala dilemu oko ovih cipela. Jako su kvalitetne i prave su zimske. Veoma su udobne i tople, tako da u njima hodanje po snegu pretstavlja pravo uživanje. Naložene su iznutra, kao što možete videti na fotografijama. Imaju pertle i ovu kao trak za preklapanje. Takođe, imaju i debeo djon i ne klizaju se po snegu i ledu.

 Hi, my dear!

Winter has surprised us with snow this year too. I did not mind that, and I was very happy, and I was ready to put off my winter clothes. However, it will wait, at least for another week.

If you follow me, you know that I ordered my husband for winter shoes and that on that occasion I ordered the wrong number, so that he was small. I decided to correct it, and on the first occasion, I ordered others from the site Rosegal. And those who respond to him. They arrived before the start of this snow, so it was fairly accurate.

 I've already ordered shoe from this site and I'm more than happy. So I did not have a dilemma about these shoes. They are very good and they are made of winter. They are very comfortable and warm, so that walking in the snow is a real enjoyment. They are loaded from the inside, as you can see in the photos. They also have a pertle and this as an overlay tape. They also have a thick dungeon and do not slide in the snow and ice.

Muž je jako sviđaju, tako da nisam pogrešila što sam ih poručila. Kako se vama dopadaju? Da li ste poručivali obuću sa ovog sajta?

 My husband likes me very much, so I did not make mistakes because I ordered them. How do you like them? Have you ordered shoe from this site?

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