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недеља, 25. март 2018.

Noviteti sa sajta Rosegal | Mart

Obožavam online kupovinu. Jednostavno, lako i brzo. Uštedim dosta vremena nego pri standardnoj kupovini.
Pored toga sajt sa kojeg vam danas pretstavljam novitete ima besplatnu poštarinu. U pitanju je sajt Rosegal.
Ovaj sajt ima možda jedan od najvećih i najboljih izbora kada je reč o obući, odeći i asesoarima.
Ovoga puta, ja sam poručila dve stvari, pantalone i bezkontaktni toplometar.

 I love online shopping. Easy, easy and fast. I save a lot of time than with standard shopping.In addition, the site from which I present to you today novelties has free postage. It's the site of Rosegal.This site may be one of the biggest and the best choices when it comes to clothes, clothes and accessories.This time, I ordered two things, trousers and a contactless thermometer.

                               Multi Functional Non-contact Infrared Forehead Digital Thermometer

Za ovaj toplometar prvi put sam čula od jedne naše youtuberke. Ona je za svoje dete kupila ovaj toplometar. Radi se o bezkontaktnom toplometru koji meri temperaturu bez dodira tela. Dovoljno ga je udaljiti 5 do 15 cm kako bi izmerio temperaturu. Za par sekundi temperatura je izmerena. Ovo je odlična stvar za sve mame koje imaju malu decu jer znamo da je deci po nekad teško izmeriti temperaturu, posebno ih navesti da tih par minuta budu mirni.  Njegova cena na sajtu je 20$, dok kod nas košta oko 6000din. Razlika je velika. Radi na baterije koje ne dobijate uz njega. Pored temperature tela, on može da izmeri i temperaturu vode za kupanje, kao i mleka.

 For the first time I heard about this thermometer from one of our youtubers. She bought this thermometer for her child. It is a contactless thermometer that measures the temperature without touching the body. It is enough to remove it from 5 to 15 cm to measure the temperature. In a few seconds, the temperature was measured. This is a great thing for all the mothers who have little children because we know that it is sometimes difficult for children to measure the temperature, especially to indicate that they are quiet for a few minutes. His price on the site is $ 20, while we cost about 6000din. The difference is great. It works on batteries that you do not get along with it. In addition to the temperature of the body, it can also measure the temperature of the bath water as well as the milk.

Pantalone sam već poručivala sa ovog sajta i bila sam jako zadovoljna. Ovoga puta nisam poručila farmerke, već pantalone od eko kože koje su jako popularne.
 I already ordered pants from this site and I was very pleased. This time I did not order jeans, but eco leather pants that are very popular.

                                                            Polished Fitted Pants

Radi se o pantalonama koje su imitacija kožnih pantalone i moram reći da su odlično urađene. Materijal je jako čvrst i kvalitetan. Iznutra su kao naložene što ih čini idealnim za zimu, ali ne i za leto jer bi vam u njima bilo jako toplo. Zaista nemam zamerki što se tiče ovih pantalona, super su odradjene i imaju duboki struk.

These are pants that are imitations of leather trousers and I have to say they are perfectly done. The material is very solid and high quality. Inside are as loaded that it makes them ideal for the winter, but not for the summer because you would be very warm in them. I really do not have any complaints about these pants, they are superb and have a deep waist.

Da li ste poručivali sa ovog sajta?
Did you order from this site?

1 коментар:

  1. Ovaj termometar mi definitivno treba jer Magdalena ne voli da meri temperaturu :/ nisam ni znala da ovako nesto postoji :D pantalone ti super stoje draga <3
