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субота, 10. фебруар 2018.

Noviteti sa sajta Gamiss | Februar #1

Ćao,drage moje!
Nastavljamo sa review maratonom i ponovo sam tu sa novitetima sa sajta Gamiss.
Ovoga puta,poručila sam par stvari i promašila sam skroz. Nije problem u stvarima koje su mi stigle,već u veličinama koje sam ja loše procenila. Ali,bez obzira na to,moji najdraži su se obradovali,jer su stvari pripale njima.
Pa,da krenemo.

 Trending Swimwear with Big Discount Hot sale

 Hi, my dear!

We continue with the review marathon and I'm back with updates from the Gamiss website.
This time, I ordered a few things and I missed everything. It's not a problem in the things that have arrived, but in the sizes that I have badly assessed. But, no matter what, my dear ones were happy, because things belonged to them.
Well, let's go.

                                                    Plunge Lace Crochet Hem Mini Dress
Već duže vreme imam par haljina na wish listi i ovo je jedna od njih. Haljina je zaista divna,ali je meni velika,pa je pripala drugarici. Poričila sam je u veličini L i definitivno sam trebala uzeti jednu veličinu manje.  Bez obzira na to,jako mi se svidja.  Bebi roze boje sa divnim detaljima u vidi cvetova.

For a long time I have a couple of dresses on the wish list and this is one of them. The dress is really wonderful, but it's big for me, so it's got a friend. I denied it in size L and I definitely should have taken one size less. Regardless, I really like it. Baby pink colors with lovely details in seeing flowers.

Sledeća haljina koju sam poručila mi je mala.
 The next dress I ordered was small.

                                                 Faux Fur Long Sleeve Sweater Dress

Ova haljina je u veličini M i pre kratka mi je,mogla bi da bude tunika,ali ja sam je poklonila sestri kojoj je taman. Meni ću definitivno poručiti za broj veću. Haljina je jako lepa,materijal je veoma mekan. Prati liniju tela i izgleda divno kada se obuče. Jedna od lepših stvari koje sam poručivala sa ovog sajta.

This dress is in the size of M, and I am short of it, it could be a tunic, but I gave it to my sister who is dark. I will definitely order a number for the council. The dress is very beautiful, the material is very soft. Follow the body line and it looks great when dressed. One of the better things I've been posting on this site.

I poslednja stvar koju sam poručila i koja je pripala drugarici je ova body majica:
And the last thing I've said and who's got a friend is this body t-shirt:

                                                         Cold Shoulder Lace Openwork Top

Ovakve body majice su jako popularne i vidjala sam ih kako u online prodavnicama,tako i po gradu. Jako mi se svidela,pa sam je i poručila. Bila je dostupna i u roze boji. Međutim,i ona mi je velika i na meni ne izgleda uopšte lepo. Ali drugarici je taman. Materijal je pamuk i čipka koju ima jako je dobro odradjena.

 These body shirts are very popular and I've seen them both in online shops and in the city. I really liked it, so I told her too. It was also available in pink color. However, she is great to me and does not seem to me at all. But a friend is dark. The material is cotton and lace that has very well done.

Bez obzira na to što sam pogrešila veličine,zadovoljna sam stvarima koje sam poručila. Sledećeg puta ću malo bolje obratiti pažnju i neke stvari ponovo poručiti.
Kako se vama sviđaju?

Regardless of the fact that I made a mistake, I am satisfied with the things I have ordered. Next time, I'll pay a little more attention and re-order some things.

How do you like them?

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