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понедељак, 5. фебруар 2018.

Noviteti sa sajta Gamiss | Februar

Ćao,drage moje!
Nastavljamo sa novitetima i na redu je sajt Gamiss. Obožavam ovaj sajt,jer imaju ogromna sniženja i svašta lepo može da se pronadje.
Ova porudžbina je bila nešto veća,pa su stvari stizale u više paketa. Sačekala sam da sve stigne i sada vam prenosim svoje utiske.

 gamiss valentines gifts

 gamiss valentines day 2018

 Hi, my dear!
We are continuing with novelties and the site is Gamiss. I love this site because they have huge discounts and everything can be found well.
This order was somewhat larger, so things came in more packages. I waited for everything to arrive and now I give you my impressions.

                                                         Flock Flat Heel Lace-Up Snow Boots
Ove cipele sam uzela na već pomenutom sniženju. Njihova puna cena je 33$,ali kada sam poručivala one su koštale svega 11$. Za te pare su odlične. Jako su tople i naložene su iznutra.Djon je od gume i veoma je prijatno hodati u njima. Mislim da će biti idealne za sneg.

I took these shoes on the already mentioned discount. Their full price is $ 33, but when I ordered it they cost only $ 11. These couples are great. They are very warm and are loaded from the inside. The tire is made of rubber and it is very pleasant to walk in them. I think it will be ideal for snow.

Poručila sam i jedne farmerke.
I also ordered one jeans.

                                                    Skinny Pockets Distressed Jeans

Ove farmerke su skroz trendy i moderne. Iscepkane su malo više,ali odlično se kombinuju. Materijal je jako dobar,elastičan i lepo izgledaju kada se obuku.

These jeans are trendy and modern. Cutouts are a little bit more, but they combine perfectly. The material is very good, elastic and look nice when they are being trained.

Poručila sam i dve body majice. Polako nam stiže lepše vreme,pa prelazimo iz džempera u neke tanje odevne komade.
I also ordered two body t-shirts. Slowly, we get a better time, and then we move from sweaters to some thinner pieces.
                                       Flowers Shoes Printed Round Neck Pullover Sweatshirt

Ova body majica je odlično zamišljena,ali me je prilično razočarala. Materijal je zaista odličan,kao i ova aplikacija. Međutim,kada mi je stigla,krajevi nisu bili porubljeni i nakon pranja je krenula da se para. To bih i nekako rešila,odnela bih je kod šnajderke i to bi porubila. Ali,pored toga,ona je na sebi imala par mrlja od hemiske olovke koje ni sa čim nisam uspela da skinem,tako da nema svrhe da je porubljujem. Nosiću je po kući,ali opet stvarno šteta,jer bi bila odlična u kombinaciji sa farmerkama.

This body t-shirt is perfectly imagined, but it's pretty disappointing. The material is really great, as is this application. However, when it arrived, the ends were not broken and after the washing it started to steam. I would sort of sort this out, I would take it with a schnitzer, and it would have broken. But, in addition, she had a couple of spots on the pen, which I did not manage to remove with anything, so there is no purpose for me to break it. I'll carry it around the house, but it really does damage again, because it would be great in combination with jeans.

Sledeća body majica koju sam poručila je pun pogodak. Identična je kao na fotografijama sa sajta.
 The next body I ordered was a good hit. It's identical to photos on the site.

                                                    Color Block V Back Tied Sweatshirt

 Ova body majica je prelepa,mnogo je lepša uživo nego na fotografijama. Materijal je jako lep i prijatan. Ima dve pertle na leđima koje se vezuju. Zaista,sve preporuke za ovu body majicu.

 This body t-shirt is beautiful, it's much more beautiful live than on photos. The material is very nice and pleasant. There are two perls on the back that they bind. Indeed, all the recommendations for this body t-shirt.

I poslednje što sam poručila,bio je jedan duks.
And the last thing I said, was one sweatshirt.

                                                 Pompon Ice-Cream Print Sweatshirt

Ovaj duks sam još prošle godine vidjala kod nas i ne znam zašto ga nisam uzela,a baš mi se bio svideo. Sada,čim sam ga videla,odmah sam ga ubacila u korpu. Jako je mekan i topao,idealan za prelazni period,mada mogao bi da posluži i za zimu,jer uopšte nije tanak. Ima tri pop pom loptice koje su prikazane kao tri kugle od sladoleda. Nisu ušivene za duks,već su prikopčane za njega,pa ih možete skinuti prilikom pranja. Jako je sladak i baš mi se dopada.

 I saw this sweatshirt last year, and I do not know why I did not take it, and I really liked it. Now, as soon as I saw him, I immediately put it in the basket. It is very soft and warm, ideal for a transitional period, although it could serve for the winter as it is not even thin at all. There are three pop balls that are shown as three balls of ice cream. They are not sewn for sweatshirts but are attached to it, so you can remove them when washing. He's very cute and I like him very much.

Kako Vam se sviđa moj izbor?Šta Vam se najviše dopada?
How do you like my choice? What do you like most?

5 коментара:

  1. Ajoj, predivne stvari, pa ja sam zaista odusevljena ovim haulom! Pogotovo mi se dopada ova bluzica sa sladoledom, preinteresantna je a tako jednostavna! Moram da nabavim istu!

    New post is on my blog: Visit me, Malefica

  2. Slatki su ti duksići,šteta samo za fleku,a porub pa danas je ionako moderno da se nosi rasparqano,ne porubljeno tako da tu nemaš problema. Probaj da zašiješ neku šljokicu na fleku,ili tako nešto. :)
