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недеља, 11. фебруар 2018.

Noviteti sa sajta Rosegal | Februar #2

Ćao,drage moje!
Kako sam već najavila,nastavljamo sa review maratonom. Nadam se da ćete uživati. Ponovo je tu sajt Rosegal.
Ovoga puta poručila sam tri stvari,onosno jedne muške patike i dve igračke.

 Spring Clothes 2018 Sale Online

 Hi, my dear!

As I already announced, we continue with the review marathon. I hope you enjoy it. Again, this is the site of Rosegal.This time, I ordered three things, one men's sneakers and two toys.

                                                          Men Outdoor Casual Antiskid Travel Hiking Athletic Shoes

Čim sam ugledala ove patike,odmah sam znala da ih moram poručiti. Prelepe su. Bile su dostupne u još dve boje,ali meni se najviše svidela ova plava sa sivom i narandžastom bojom. Ovoga puta nisam pogrešila broj,pa su mužu taman. On kaže da su veoma udobne i jako mu se dopadaju.

As soon as I saw these shoes, I immediately knew I had to order them. They are gorgeus. They were available in two more colors, but I liked this blue with gray and orange color most. This time I did not make a mistake, so my husband is still. He says they are very comfortable and very much like him.

Ponovo sam poručila ovaj auto koji sija i svira,jer se našoj drugarici Maši jako dopao.
Again, I ordered this car that shines and plays, because our companion Masha very much liked.

                                         3D LED Flashing Light Car Toys Music Sound Electric Toy 

Zaista je veoma interesantan i zanimljiv za decu. Svira i sija i to im jako privlači pažnju. Radi na baterije,ali ih ne dobijate uz njega.

 It's really interesting and interesting for kids. She plays and shines, and it attracts a lot of attention. It works on batteries, but you do not get along with it.

I tu se našla jedna igračka za Vasu.

And there was a toy for Vasa.

                                           Original Magic Toy Truck 

Ova igračka funkcioniše po tom principu da pomoću markera koji dobijate uz njega nacrtate putanju na čistoj beloj podlozi. Zamisao je da ovaj kamion ide po nacrtanoj putanju. Zaista,to i radi. Međutim,Vasa se nije preterano oduševio,pa je veoma brzo završila u delovima.

 This toy works by using the marker that you get along with it to draw a path on a clean white background. The idea was that this truck was going on a straight line. Indeed, it does. However, Vasa did not thrill too much, so she quickly finished in parts.

Kakve igračke interesuju vašu decu?
What kind of toys are your children interested in?

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